Chapter 21

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TIME SKIP ONE WEEK••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••
I Woke up and rolled over Ivan so I was straddling him
Ivan: woah you look good and okay I'm up
Jess: I didn't even get ready yet what do you mean
Ivan: you always look amazing princess
I blushed and climbed off his lap and ran into my closet and grabbed this outfit

TIME SKIP ONE WEEK••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••I Woke up and rolled over Ivan so I was straddling himJess: BABY WAKE UP Ivan: woah you look good and okay I'm upJess: I didn't even get ready yet what do you meanIvan: you always look amazing prin...

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I ran into the bathroom once I got dressed and put on my makeup and did my hair

I ran into the bathroom once I got dressed and put on my makeup and did my hair

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I walked down out into my room where Ivan was waiting for me on his phone

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I walked down out into my room where Ivan was waiting for me on his phone. He was sitting on the side of my bed with his elbow on his knee.
Ivan: damn babe
I blushed and said thanks babe
Jess: LETS GOO I pulled him up and we ran downstairs where Jake was waiting.
Jake: hey are you ready
Jess: yeah thank you for letting him stay for two weeks I love you jake I got up and hugged him. Oh I probably should have told you I forgave him.
Jake: no problem now come on I can't wait to meet him
Ivan: me too he picked me up and threw me over his shoulder
He carried me to blood shark and we both sat in the middle row of seats while Jake drove
We were almost there when I got a text
Austin: hey sis I'm at baggage
Jess: okay we are almost there
Austin: Okay text me when you get here
Jess: Okay
I put my phone back in my purse and as we pulled into the lot I got really nervous and tense and I think Ivan realized because he unbuckled my seatbelt and pulled me onto his lap and kissed me. We got to the Pick-up area and he grabbed my hand. We opened up the doors to bloodshark and I texted him
Jess: hey bro we are here
Two minutes later he walked out of the airport and I let go of Ivan's hand and pulled him into the biggest hug in the world
Austin: JESS I missed you so much and wow still dressing like a whore
Jess: I missed you more dork and wow
Austin: doubt it
Jess: how was your flight
Austin: amazing you didn't tell me I got first class
Jess: I had to spoil you a little bit Okay come with me I want you to meet some people I grabbed his hand and pulled him over to Ivan
Ivan: hey Austin I'm Ivan your sisters boyfriend he put his arm around my neck and pulled me closer
Austin: hey Ivan
Jess: JAKE get over here
Austin: hey Jake
Jake: hey buddy he walked over to Austin and hugged him
Jess: this is gonna be the best week few weeks of your life trust me I said looking at Ivan and smiling.
Jake: okay let's go back to the house give me your bags.
Austin gave Jake his bags and he put them in the trunk I got in the middle seats with Ivan again and Austin sat up front.
We drove back to the team ten house blasting it's everyday bro and other music. We got to the team ten house at 3:00 pm.  And everyone was waiting at the doorway.
Everyone: HEYY
Jess: hey what's up this is austin my brother
Emilio: hey I'm Emilio
Tessa: I'm Tessa chances girlfriend
Erika: I'm Erika jakes girlfriend
Tristan: I'm Tristan
Chance: I'm chance Tessa's boyfriend
Anthony: I'm Anthony aka tonerrr
I laughed at Anthony's response
Justin: I'm Justin aka freshman
Kade: I'm kade aka uncle kade
Nathan: I'm Nathan
Chad: I'm chad
Jess: and I think that is everyone
Austin:  cool where am I staying
Ivan: follow me austin
Austin: Okay
I laughed as they both ran up the stairs chasing each other I smiled and thought to myself god I got lucky with these idiots
Ivan's POV•••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••
Everyone introduced themselves and I looked at Jess and she looked so happy. Happier than I have ever seen her before. Austin asked where he was staying and I said I would show him. We started racing up the stairs and I took him into the ratchet room. He was sleeping in my old bed now that I sleep with Jess.
Ivan: here is your bed I said sitting down on my part of the bunk bed.
Austin: cool thanks
Ivan: no problem
Austin: can I ask you something
Ivan: of course what is it
Austin: Okay well there is two things actually
Ivan: Okay what is it
Austin: how has my sister been doing. You do know everything that has happened right
Ivan: yes I do and she has been well she uhm
Austin: she um what
Ivan: she was raped again I said looking down. I was about to cry
Austin: what do you mean
Ivan: she went on a walk and I knew I should have went with her I started crying then she didn't come back for a while and I knew something was wrong then she texted me her location and I went and picked her up it's my fault I didn't go with her
Austin: hey it's okay all that matters is that you are there for her now
Ivan: thanks I said while wiping my tears but she has been okay considering
Austin: okay thank you for being there for her and my second question do you really love her
Ivan: oh my god I love her more than I could ever explain I think I might be in love with her
Austin: good please treat her good
Ivan: don't worry I will now let's go downstairs it getting late
We started to walk downstairs and into the kitchen when I saw Jess on the couch with Tessa
Jess: god I was getting worried you guys were up there for so long
Ivan: nope we were just talking
JESS POV•••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••
He walked over to me and sat down next to me and held my hand I smiled at him then he kissed me. I pulled away and said I'm tired
Ivan: me too
I got up off the couch and walked up to my brother and hugged him really tight then Ivan Came over and picked me up bridal style and carried me up to my room I walked into my closet and changed into this

 I pulled away and said I'm tired Ivan: me too I got up off the couch and walked up to my brother and hugged him really tight then Ivan Came over and picked me up bridal style and carried me up to my room I walked into my closet and changed into this

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I got changed and hopped into bed and snuggled up to his chest. He took his shirt off and just left his sweatpants on. I cuddled up to him and his arms wrapped around my shoulders and waist.
Jess: I love you so fucking much Ivan Martinez
Ivan: I'm in love with you Jess
I just smiled into his chest and fell asleep

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