Chapter 54

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I woke up and the curtains were wide open. We always had the curtains shut all the way because I hate light at night. ANY LIGHT. I looked over to the vanity in my room and Luna was sitting there fixing her chocolate brown hair and adding pink lipstick. I rolled my eyes and got up out of bed. I walked over to the closet and grabbed this outfit

I saw Luna look at me like she saw a ghost as a jumped on the bed straddling Ivan

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I saw Luna look at me like she saw a ghost as a jumped on the bed straddling Ivan.
He started to wake up
Ivan: wow good morning princess. You look amazing today
Luna: oh come on you are only saying that cause she is practically naked. Are you really gonna let her leave the house in that
Ivan: yes I am because I love her and trust her. As long as she is confident in herself and think she looks good then I think she looks good. And just so you know we haven't even had sex yet so I have only seen her fully naked once. And I don't need to see a lot of skin for her to look good to me. She always looks good even in a baggy pair of sweatpants and an old shirt.
I leaned down and kissed him passionately
Jess: and anyway Luna you don't have to be dressed like that to be pretty. I pointed at her outfit. She was wearing this

I kissed Ivan one last time and we left the room and started walking downstairs

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I kissed Ivan one last time and we left the room and started walking downstairs.
I stopped on the stairs.
Jess: babe go eat I have to talk to Jake and nick
Ivan: Okay my princesa
I walked into the office where Jake and nick were and sat down
Jess: we need to talk
Jake: yes we do
Jess: I am gonna move out soon like next month if possible
Jake: what why Jess what's going on
Jess: I found an amazing house for me and Ivan if he wants to come.
Jake: that's great but why. Is it because of Luna cause we can move her from your room
Jess: yes and no as you both know my mom is pregnant and I am not letting her raise that kid. Ivan and I have been together for a little over a year now and i have been with team ten for the same amount of time. It's just my time to move. I have to adopt this baby and ivan and I have been talking about starting our own family
Nick: woah woah woah wait.. starting your own family?
Jess: I don't know I feel like we are rushing things but I know he is the one but I don't want to get married yet. He just wants to be there with this baby.
I sighed
Jess: this is too much I can't
Jake: hey it's gonna be okay. Just by the way Ivan looks at you I can tell he is in love with you and would do anything for you Jessica. You may not notice but when you are sitting on the couch watching tv or cooking Ivan sits there and stares at you like you are the most intriguing thing he has ever seen. You two can handle anything as long as you are together
Jess: thanks Jake I'm gonna go do something now
Jake: Okay
I walked downstairs and Ivan was sitting on the couch with a girl straddling his lap making out with him. And he was kissing back. He had his hands on her butt and was kissing her like he kisses me. I collapsed to the floor at the sight and started crying. Jake ran downstairs when he heard me fall to my knees but Ivan didn't. He just kept eating her face off. Jake helped me up and wrapped his arms around me
Ivan: making out with her duh 🙄
He referenced me. At this point Tessa and Erika are in the room taking me from Jake and pulling me up stairs.
Jess: let me die already
Erika: sorry j but we aren't gonna let you do that
I pulled away from them and started packing my bags. I already had the house move in ready but I just did not want to move for another month
Tessa: where are you going
Jess: I-I'm moving out
Tessa you have nowhere to go
Jess: actually I do. I bought a house last week. I just don't have furniture.
Erika: why did you buy a house
Jess: I have to adopt my moms baby... OH GOD THE BABY SHIT
Tessa: hey calm down it's okay
We sat down on he bed as I put my head in my hands and started crying even harder.
Jess: Tessa will you stay with me in the new house temporarily while I figure out whats happening.
Tessa: of course Jess you are my best friend.
We sat down on the bed and Tessa held me in her arms as I broke down. All of a sudden the door opened and Luna walked in
Jess: look I don't want to fight right now so please leave me alone
Luna: I wasn't I care in to say I was sorry. I guess i was just jealous because you have the perfect body and I do like your style but my parents never let me wear stuff like that. And I Came to say Ivan is an asshole to do that to you. I'm sorry you had to go through that and that I want us to maybe be friends or more like sisters.
I looked up at her and she looked sincere
I just nodded cause I can't talk right now. I finished packing my suitcases and Tessa packed hers. I decided to sleep in her room tonight and leave tomorrow.

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