Chapter 45

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I woke up and shook Ivan awake
Jess: morning babe
Ivan: buenos Dias mi princesa
Jess: I love you
Ivan: I love you too
I put my hands on his chest and he wrapped his arms around my upper back pulling me closer. I put my head into his chest. I jokingly licked his chest.
Ivan: eww Jess what the fuck
He pulled away letting go and I laughed
Jess: I'm sorry.
I mumbled "not" under my breath.
He leaned down and licked my toned abs
Jess: eww
I wiped the saliva off my abs and playfully smacked his chest.
I sat up and straddled his hips was he looked up at me. I looked down a little sad and played with my fingers on his abs
Ivan: Jess what's wrong babe
Jess: I have to go see my mom today
Ivan: oh well I will be with you. That is if you want me to go with you
Jess: I do. I need you to be there with me.
Ivan: then I will be there with you.
Jess: I know I don't say it enough and can never express to you the way I feel inside but I just need you to know that I love you so fucking much. You are always there for me no matter what and I just want to say thank you. It sucks to say this but if I never would have met you I probably would be dead by now.
I started letting the tears stream from my eyes
Jess: I love you so much. No matter what I will always do anything for you like I know you would do for me. If you would say right now "let's get up and move to Canada or anywhere in the world I would say yes and go with you. I love you so fucking much and am the luckiest girl in the world to have a guy like you in my life. You are my world Ivan Martinez.
Ivan: aww babe you made me cry. I love you so much too. And I will always be there for you princess you are the one for me. We were both crying hard at this time. Happy tears. I laid down on him still straddling I cried onto his shoulder and he cried into the crook of my neck. We cried for about 5 minutes till Jake walked in quickly
Jake: woah what's wrong why are you both crying what happened.
I sat up and wiped my eyes turning around to look at Jake.
I laughed a little bit before answering his questions
Jess: happy tears Jake
Jake: why what happened
Jess: nothing we are just so happy we have each other
Jake: aww
He ran over to us and flopped onto the bed pulling us into a hug
Jake: this is a little awkward because Jess is practically naked and Ivan is in his boxers.
I laughed and sat up causing Jake to stand up
Jake left the room and I got up to change. I walked into my closet and all of a sudden I felt warm arms snake around my waist as I searched through my clothes. He started kissing my neck. He immediately found my sweet spot and begins sucking. I let out a small moan before pulling away stoping him.
Jess: stop I can't have Hickies to go see my mom. I can only imagine what she would call me. Whore slut which guy was it this time.
Ivan: she calls you those things
Jess: yup meanwhile she is just trying to cover up the fact that she sleeps with every guy she can.
Ivan: hey it's okay because I know it's not true.
He hugged me from behind again placing light kisses on my cheek.
Jess: I have to get dressed now
Ivan: ooh oh ooh can I pick your outfit PLEEEEASEee
He was jumping up and down like a two year old which made me laugh
Jess: yes pick it then bring it to me I will be in the bathroom. I walked into the bathroom and took my pill. I brushed my teeth and curled my hair. Ivan came in finally and gave me this outfit

I thanked him and we walked downstairs grabbing my keys and getting into the Ferrari

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I thanked him and we walked downstairs grabbing my keys and getting into the Ferrari.
Ivan drove because I was freaking out.
He rubbed my thigh as he drove because he knew it calmed me down. I put my hands on top of his. I was playing with his fingers. I texted Austin before we left telling him that I had to talk to Mom and that I was coming over. We eventually arrived and Ivan got out while I was frozen. He came and opened my door grabbing my hand and pulling me to the front door of the house. He knocked and Austin ran to the door opening it. He jumped into my arms as soon as I saw him.
Jess: god I missed you austin
Austin: I missed you both so much
Ivan: I missed you too buddy
Austin: did you see how big my channel got
Jess: no I haven't how big is it
Austin: 880,075 subscribers
Jess: holy shit bro that's huge I'm so proud of you. He jumped off of me and hugged Ivan.
We walked into the house and Austin said my mom was in her office. I walked up and knocked. Ivan stayed down with Austin to play video games.
Carol: come in
I walked in and sat in a chair across from her
Jess: I'm sorry about everything that I said but I was right. Ivan is my world and he is so much more than a stupid guy.
Carol: you are right I'm sorry.
He came running into the office and sat I. The chair next to me holding my hand
Carol: nice to see you again Ivan
Ivan: you too
Jess: there is something else I needed to tell you. I looked at Ivan and he gave me a reassuring smile and squeezed my hand.
Carol: oh my god you are pregnant
Jess: hell no we haven't done anything yet. Okay so dad is dead.
I just blurted it out because I didn't know what to do
Jess: he was killed by lethal injection at the jail because he killed five people. 
Carol: good for that bastard.
I laughed a little then laid my head on Ivan's shoulder
Carol: I have some news too
Jess: what is it
Carol: I'm pregnant.
My jaw literally hit the floor. I stood up leaving the office. Ivan followed. I walked into the living room. I grabbed Austin's arm and we left that house.
Austin: Jess what are you doing
I stayed silent knowing That if I spoke the teams would escape.
We walked to the Ferrari that only has two seats and I sat down in the passengers seat and pulled Austin onto my lap
Austin: nice car Jess
I nodded still afraid to talk and Ivan drove us home.
We got home and walked in.
Jess: Austin you can sleep In Ivan's old bed. I'm going to sleep I have had enough of this day. I walked into the elevator as Ivan showed Austin where he will be staying. I went into my room stripped down and laid in bed staring at the ceiling.
Austin is not going back home. That whore literally got pregnant. She can't raise a kid. I mean fuck the maids raised us. She was never a part of our lives. I hate her.
My thoughts were interrupted by Ivan walking into the room. He got into his boxers and laid down next to me. I let the tears slip out of my eyes.
Jess: she can't raise a baby. I won't let her. She never gave a shit about us. She won't be raising  a baby and I will tell you that now.
Ivan: hey It's okay. We will figure out what to do we always will.
Jess: she shouldn't even have austin. He needs to have a chance in life.
Ivan: he will I promise. Let's just go to sleep we can worry about this tomorrow
Jess: Okay I love you
Ivan: I love you more
I soon drifted off to sleep laying on his chest

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