Chapter 52

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It has been a week and we are getting ready to leave. Emilio and Austin are already packed and hanging out downstairs as Ivan and I pack
Jess: babe
Ivan: yes princess
Jess: thank you. This has been an amazing week
Ivan: no problem princess you deserved it
I smiled at him and continued packing. It was 10:00 am and we had to be at the airport by 12:00pm. I grabbed  this outfit and put it on.

Ivan was in jeans and his thrasher hoodie again

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Ivan was in jeans and his thrasher hoodie again. I walked over to him and wrapped my arms around his neck as I got lost in his eyes which I tend to do very often.
Jess: I love you
Ivan: I love you too.
I leaned in for a kiss and our lips were so close when I was interrupted by my phone.
I looked at the caller ID as my phone vibrated the bed. It was my mom. I looked up at Ivan's eyes nervously as I picked up my phone hitting answer.
Carol: hi Jessica
Jess: hi carol
Carol: I wanted to call to let you know the baby is a little girl.
Jess: that's amazing
Carol: also that there was something your father and I kept from you.
I pulled away from Ivan and sat down on the bed nervously looking down at my shoes.
Jess: what is it
Carol: you have a younger sister. She is seventeen.
I was frozen I could not speak. I was literally frozen. My mouth dropped as Ivan looked down at me concerned.
Jess: ohh uhm uh
Carol: anyways did Jake talk to you about the new member joining.
Jess: no I am in Spain and I don't have time to watch the vlogs
Carol: oh okay but anyways your sisters name is Luna. She was put up for adoption at birth because we have just had you and we're not ready for another kid. But anyways she lives in England and is moving into team ten this week.
Jess: Okay I'm wow that was a lot to take in.
Carol: anyway I have to go I have a baby appointment
Jess: Okay bye
She hung up and I was left there in shock until my phone rang again. I looked down at it and it was Jake. I hit answer and pulled it back up to my ear.
Jake: hey Jess what's up
Jess: nothing other than you not telling me about the new member.
Jake: actually I was calling about that. Who are you with
Jess: Ivan
Jake: put it on speaker.
I put my phone on speaker and threw it onto the bed.
Jake: so your plane home is gonna stop in England to pick up the new member.
I rolled my eyes
Jess: great
Jake: Jess is there something wrong
Jess: no I'm just in a bad mood from my moms call earlier
Jake: oh okay anyway so the flight is leaving at 11 now because it has to stop in England
Jess: Okay is that all
Jake: yes
Jess: bye
I hung up before he had a change to reply
Ivan: what was the call with your mom about
Jess: just a baby update but I'm still mad at her about last time we interacted.
Ivan: oh
Jess: it's 10:45 we gotta go
Ivan: yes we do.
I walked downstairs and Ivan grabbed all of our bags from upstairs.
I walked into the kitchen and pulled Mrs. Martinez into. Huge hug.
Jess: I'm going to miss you. You are the closest thing I have had to a real Mom these past few months
Mom: aww I will miss you too a lot Jess. If you ever need anything just call me.
Jess: yes ma'am
Mom: Jess, please call me Mom
Jess: okay Mom. We have to leave an hour early cause now we have to stop in England to get a new member.
Mom: Okay bye Jess
I walked out to the living room and everyone else said goodbye. Everyone said goodbye and we all walked out to the Uber I ordered before we walked down. We got to the airport and on the private jet. I sat down in my own seat instead of on the couch with Ivan.
Ivan: are you okay princess
I guess he caught me acting off
Jess: yes my prince I'm just tired
The truth is I'm not tired I'm just confused and nervous. I mean how would you react if you found out you had a secret sibling and now are meeting them the same day.
I leaned back and shut my eyes. I guess I fell asleep cause I woke up to Ivan shaking me
Ivan: hey babe we are about to land
Jess: Okay and I have to go to the bathroom. I walked to the back of the plane and stopped at the alcohol cart. I grabbed a bottle of vodka and a cup. I poured a glass and  dumped it down my throat. I poured another glass and did the same thing. I was pouring my third glass when Ivan walked back. And saw me
Ivan: Jess what the hell are you doing
Jess: getting drunk cause that's what I need right now
Ivan: no you aren't Jess we are meeting the new member today you can't be drunk.
Jess: why not it's not like I have to like her
Ivan: Jess what has happened to you
Jess: well vodka would be happening if you would give me my glass back.
Ivan: no he poured it down the sink and took the bottle putting it neatly back in the cabinet.
Ivan: let's go
He grabbed my hand and lead me back to my seat. He was obviously mad but he had no idea what is about to happen. I rolled my eyes as he walked away. I put my head against the window.
Jess: why can't we just go home and have her take her own flight
Ivan: Jess what do you have against her you don't even know who she is
Ivan looked at me speechlessly because I yelled. Emilio and Austin were staring. I just looked out the window and let the tears drip down my face.
Ivan: Jess what do you know that we don't.
I looked back at them with tears running out of my eyes and down my face
Jess: Austin she is our sister that Mom and dad hid from us and put up for adoption.
Everyone jaw dropped and they didn't know what to say.
Jess: now if you don't mind I am going to get that bottle of vodka
Ivan: Jess no please don't
I looked at him and then walked back getting the bottle and taking a huge chug out of it.
I'm gonna need a lot more that this bottle to get through today. I wiped my tears and carried the bottle of grey goose back out and sat down with it. Everyone looked at me as I looked back out the window occasionally taking a chug.
Austin: how could they do that
It stayed silent until the pilot talked through the the speakers.
Pilot: we are landing now
Jess: can I get off and on a different flight.
Emilio: no Jess you are stuck with us
Jess: of course I am. I rolled my eyes and carried the bottle back.
I don't get drunk. It just knocks the edge off of everything. We landed and waited for her. Eventually a pretty brown haired girl entered the plane. I rolled my eyes and looked at the window.

She was wearing a flowing baby pink dress

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She was wearing a flowing baby pink dress.
She is the complete opposite of me. I have ripped jeans a thrasher hoodie and bleache blonde hair. We both have my bright blue eyes though and my dark brown hair before I dyed it.
Luna: HI Everyone I'm Luna
I looked back at the guys and Emilio was star struck.
Ivan: hi I'm Ivan and this is my brother Emilio as I'm sure you know.
Luna: yes. She sat down
Jess: excuse me I have to use the bathroom.
I stood up and Ivan shot me a worried glare. I looked back at him and went into the bathroom shutting the door and locking it. I sat down on the toilet just thinking. I started to overhear their conversation
Luna: what is up with Jessica
Ivan: she is a little overwhelmed and uhm has a little alcohol in her system from on our way here
I rolled my eyes at him telling her that
Luna: why was she drinking. Does she have an alcohol problem or something
Ivan: no she just had a stressful day to say the least
Luna: oh
I walked out of the bathroom and everyone looked at me. I poured a cup of hard liquor and  dumped it down my throat as everyone looked at me. I walked back to my seat and laid down. Luna was sitting in the seat in front of Emilio and behind me. I pulled out my phone and called Alison.
Jess: hey boo I miss you
Alison: I miss you too Jess
Jess: I'm flying you out to la tonight
Jess: pack your bags best friend you are gonna stay for about two weeks.
Jess: I love you too I will text you your boarding pass
Alison: Okay love you Jess bye I gotta go pack
Jess: bye
Ivan: who are you flying out
Jess: Alison
I looked back at the twins and Emilio's eyes lit up.
Ivan: Okay princess
I smiled at him and called Jake
Jake: hey Jess what's up
Jess: question.
Jake: what is it
Jess: can we make this plane stop at the Pittsburgh airport
Jake: why
Jess: I was gonna fly my friend out but I though I could just try with this plane
Jake: yeah I will have manager Kevin call the airport.
Jess: thanks Jake
I hung up.
I texted Alison
Jess: hey get to where the private jets land in two hours.
Alison: Okay
I turned my phone off and fell asleep

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