Chapter 32

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I got up and grabbed my phone off the bathroom floor. It was 11:00am. I walked into my closet and put this on

I got dressed and walked out of my closet and laid down on my bed

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I got dressed and walked out of my closet and laid down on my bed. It was a huge upgrade from the couch. I got comfortable and finally fell asleep for the first time in a week. I sleeps for what seemed like forever. It actually seemed like I died. I still can't believe what I did last night. I hate these pills I wanna box. All that I can think about is boxing.
I soon drifted off into a deeper sleep.

I still can't believe what happened last night. I have to call her mom and tell her. I don't know the whole story though. I am gonna have to ask Ivan. I sat at my desk running my hands through my hair. I'm so stressed. I got up from my desk and walked upstairs. I slowly opened Jessicas door and Ivan and Tessa were asleep on the couch while she was in her bed sleeping. I knelt down in front of Ivan and quietly woke him up
Jake: hey good morning
Ivan: morning what's up
Jake: I need to talk to you
Ivan: oh um okay
He slowly got up off the couch stretching and walked downstairs following closely behind me.
I walked into the office and he followed me. I sat down at my desk and he pulled a chair to the over side.
Jake: Okay so I need to talk to you about last night
He looked down then looked up like he was about to cry.
Ivan: what do you want to know
Jake: Okay so let's start with what happened in the car. What did she tell you that made you made
Ivan: god I feel like I'm at s therapy session but whatever. Okay so she was kind of mean to her mom when we picked her up so I asked her why then she got pissed off and was like maybe I didn't want her here. Maybe I'm not okay with it. I looked at her and was really supportive telling her it was okay and then then she was like I didn't tell you something kind of important.
Jake: Okay What was it Ivan I need you to tell me all of this stuff
Ivan: she was like I have to take two pills one for depression and one for anger. That's why she has been going to the gym a lot this month. She has not taken her pills at all this month. She can't sleep without them so she had not slept for a week. But the reason she stopped taking them was because she can't box without them. And she said she needs boxing more than sleep because she would not be alive without it.
He started full out crying at this point and he tried to hide it but failed.
Ivan: one because her dad would have killed her or two because she would have killed herself.
I walked over and hugged him tight
Ivan: so I didn't talk to her the whole way home or anything cause I was speechless. Then I went into the ratchet and I guess she thought I hated her.
Ivan: can't believe I almost fucking lost her because I was confused
Jake: Okay that's all I needed to know thank you.
He left and I was so stressed. I don't know what to do in this situation to be honest. It can not get out to the public because of publicity crap. I got my phone and Called her mom
Carol: hello who is this
Jake: hello carol this is Jake Paul
Carol: Okay hi Jake
Jake: I have to tell you something that happened last night
Carol: oh my gosh is Jessica and Ivan okay. They didn't get hurt or anything right
Jake: no nothing like that but something happened.
Carol: she isn't pregnant right
Jake: no. Okay so what happened was I guess her and Ivan got into a fight about her pills . Ivan went to sleep in his old room and Jessica must have thought he hated her and she went to the bathroom and cut herself. I'm guessing Tessa heard her crying and ran in to see blood all over her arm. Tessa called Erika up and Erika watched her while she got Ivan and they made up but Jessica is back on her pills and is Okay. She has been sleeping since this morning. Everything is okay I just wanted to make sure you knew.
Carol: wow okay I'm thank you so much Jake.
I hung up and went up to my room to sleep. I am just going to do a challenge video or something later cause I can't vlog with everything that happened. I laid down and was about to fall asleep when Erika walked in.
Erika: hey how are you doing.
Jake: Okay I guess I'm just really stressed about all of this.
Erika: yeah I get it
Jake: so what did you need
Erika: nothing I just wanted to cuddle I'm not vlogging today
Jake: Okay neither am I
I opened my arms and she crawled in them falling asleep almost instantly

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