Chapter 18

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I woke up in my own bed which confused me and Ivan was not in bed with me. So I got up out of my bed and walked into my bathroom. I brushed my teeth and did my makeup and hair

 I brushed my teeth and did my makeup and hair

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I walked out of the bathroom and into my closet and found a new outfit that I likes and put it on

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I walked out of the bathroom and into my closet and found a new outfit that I likes and put it on.

I got dressed and walked downstairs where only Erika and Tessa were sitting on the trampoline which was really weird

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I got dressed and walked downstairs where only Erika and Tessa were sitting on the trampoline which was really weird. Hey girls I said they replied hey Jess
Jess: where are the guys
Erika: sleeping still
Jess: what do you mean I woke up and Ivan wasn't in bed
Tessa: you do realize he has another bed right
Jess: I did not think of that I will be right back. I ran up to the stairs and then ran up them. I quietly tip toed to the ratchet room where I carefully opened the door. Ivan was laying down on his bed shirtless.
That sight made my stomach flip.
I bit my lip and stared then I finally walked over to him and carefully slid myself under his blankets and cuddled up to his chest where he put him arm around my shoulder and pulled me closer
Jess: I love you ivan I whispered
Ivan: I love you beyond words princess
I smiled and blushed a lot
Jess: why didn't you sleep in my bed last night
Ivan: i just carried you up to your bed and didn't want to risk waking you so I slept in with the boys
Jess: ohh I missed your body being against mine
Ivan: woah there I missed you too
Jess: shhh you don't want to wake up the others
Ivan: Okay
We laid there for about an hour then decided to go get food. We walked downstairs and got eggs and bacon. We ate out breakfast and ran back upstairs into my room to lay down. We got up there and laid together like this

Then I leaned up to kiss him and that kiss got heated and I put my arms on both sides of his shoulders and  straddled him while not breaking the kiss we made out for like 30 minutes when Jake barged in vlogging

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Then I leaned up to kiss him and that kiss got heated and I put my arms on both sides of his shoulders and straddled him while not breaking the kiss we made out for like 30 minutes when Jake barged in vlogging.
Jess: hi Jake
Jake I'm sorry did I interpret something
Ivan: no
Jake: I wish I could do that with Erika
Jess: then go get her and just do it
Jake: Okay I will he said while stomping out of my room
I just slid down Ivan a little bit so that my head was on his chest and we laid like that till 4:00 when we decided to go downstairs. We walked down and everyone was just hanging out. On the trampoline talking. We walked over and they were talking about vlog and video ideas. I decided to get Erika and Tessa and I told everyone one else I want to go get food. I pulled the girls out of the house and said let's play a prank on the guys.
Tessa: how?
Erika: yeah how?
Jess:I would say pregnant but Ivan and I haven't yet
Erika: what is it
Tessa I will find a guy and pull him into my room and you and e distract the guys so I can sneak him up and we act like we are having sex Then you two bring the guys in and try to keep them downstairs which will make them want to come up more.
Erika: okay let's find a guy
All of a sudden some teenage guy around 18 walks over to us
Guy: hey I'm Alex
Jess: hi Alex I'm Jess
Alex: I heard your prank and will be willing to be your guy
Jess: no way really thanks
Alex: yeah let's go.
We walked back home and Erika and I asked to have all of the guys in the backyard to talk about video ideas while Tessa took Alex up to her room about 5 minutes later I got a text from t to let everyone in.
Jess: I'm hungry who wants me to make dinner
Everyone: meeee
Jess: Okay then I walked inside with everyone following me when all of a sudden we heard the moans I looked aver and Chance who had his fists clenched and started walking over to the stairs and I ran and blocked the steps but he carefully pushed me aside and ran upstairs into Tessa's room anyway screaming what the hell Tessa. CHANCE ITS A PRANK Tessa yelled. He ran over to her and hugged her aww that was so cute Erika said
Yeah it was I replied. We showed Alex out and I grabbed Ivan and make him carry me all the way up the stairs and into my room where he laid me down and spooned my back. We laid there talking about how happy we are and how good life is for us right now and that we never want this moment to end and we fell asleep in each other's arms

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