Chapter 49

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I woke up to Ivan sitting up with his laptop on propped on his knees as he edited. I looked up at him in awe. I smiled thinking about how much I love him.
Ivan: morning beautiful
Jess: morning handsome I love you
Ivan: I love you too
Jess: I'm gonna get dressed then I have to edit a video.
Ivan: Okay princess
I smiled then walked into my closet. I put this outfit on then walked back out to see Ivan already dressed.

 I put this outfit on then walked back out to see Ivan already dressed

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I kissed his cheek and walked out of our room into the office. I sat down at my desk and Ivan sat across from me. Everyone else in team ten was still sleeping.
Jess: can we talk
Ivan: of course about what
Jess: ugh I hate to have to think about this
Ivan: what do you mean are you like gonna break up with me or something
Jess: no no no no nothing like that
Ivan: Okay good because I need you
Jess: well let's start with the situation with my mom
Ivan: I honestly don't know what to do about that
Jess: what is she Gonna do about the baby. She can't have an abortion. Then there is adoption but I don't know. She can't keep that baby.
Ivan: I know
Jess: and she has to take care of herself and the baby but she isn't and I'm just so stressed about so many different things. I don't know what to do.
Ivan: I know princess I am too.
We worked in silence for a few minutes until Ivan broke it.
Ivan: I have an idea
Jess: what
Ivan: let's take a vacation
Jess: what do you mean and to where
Ivan: let's go somewhere to clear our minds.
Jess: deal when are we leaving I don't care where we go
Ivan: let's leave tomorrow
Jess: Okay where
Ivan: Okay you have a choice
Jess: ugh you know I hate choices
Ivan: I know but please
Jess: fine what are my choices
Ivan: Spain and meet my family or somewhere like the Bahamas
Jess: Spain I wanna meet your family. We have been together for almost a year now lets go pack
Ivan: Okay beautiful I will buy the tickets
I ran out of he office and into our room.
I grabbed my suitcase out of the closet and threw it open on my bed. I grabbed a handful of bras and underwear. I threw in a few outfit out of my drawers and then finished packing. I walked out of my room and Ivan was still in the office editing. I went down to where Jake was vlogging
Jess: hi jakepaulers
Jake shut off his camera and set it down
Jake: so what's up
Jess: so Ivan and I kind of planned a super last minute trip to Spain cause I need to get away
Jake: Okay I'm how long will you be gone
Jess: about a week
Jake: Okay we don't have anything important. But teen choice awards are in two weeks and we have to perform
Jess: Okay. Thanks Jake
Jake: no problem Jess you need the time off a lot
Jess: that's a fact
I walked out into the entry way and was about to go find Ivan when Emilio ran in and stopped me
JEss: emi calm down and fine where is Ivan
Emilio: upstairs changing we will be at the pool waiting
Jess: Okay
They ran out the front door and towards the pool as I went upstairs
I walked in on Ivan changing.
Ivan: oh my god Jess you scared me
Jess:poor baby I'm gonna get changed now
Ivan: Okay beautiful
I grabbed this swimsuit and went into the bathroom to get dressed

Ivan: oh my god Jess you scared meJess:poor baby I'm gonna get changed nowIvan: Okay beautifulI grabbed this swimsuit and went into the bathroom to get dressed

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I walked out and Ivan was sitting on the bed facing our bathroom door. I stepped out and his jaw dropped. I have always had big boobs but this bikini made them bigger.
Ivan: wow you look too sexy go change
Jess: haha no
Ivan: fine
Jess: sorry babe i can't help that I'm hot
Ivan: at least you are mine
Jess: yes I am
I grabbed Ivan's hand leading him down to the pool. We got in and splashed around with Emilio and Austin for a few hours until it got dark so we went inside. We walked upstairs and showed getting changed into our clothes to sleep in. Tomorrow we leave for a week and I can't wait. I jumped under the covers with Ivan behind me and we cuddled soon falling asleep

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