Chapter 46

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I woke up sweating like crazy. I sat up super fast causing Ivan to wake up. I looked at the clock and It said 2:00 am.
Ivan: princess why are you awake.
I guess I had a nightmare. I took a few deep breaths.
Jess: it was just a nightmare I'm Okay go back to sleep. I carefully stood up out of bed grabbing Ivan's big hoodie and throwing it on. I left the room and walked down the stairs into the kitchen. I walked in and saw someone resting their head on he counter. I ignored it and opened the fridge grabbing my water. I turned around and saw that it was Chance sitting there.
I shut the fridge and turned on the light by the stove. 
Jess: hey.
I was kind of scared to talk to him but I had to
Chance: oh hi Jess
Jess: how's it been going
Chance: Okay. I guess
Jess: I missed talking to you
Chance: yeah sure. He was being very sarcastic.
Jess: well anyway goodnight Chance. Try to get some sleep.
I walked upstairs kind of happy that Chance and I at least can talk to each other. I went up to bed and laid down instantly falling asleep

I woke up at 10:00am. Ivan wasn't in bed next to me. I got up and walked out of the room. I was still in Ivan's sweatshirt. I walked into Emilio's room. Emilio Austin and Ivan were sitting on the couch playing video games I lightly chuckled before walking In. I went behind the couch and wrapped my arms around Ivan's neck. I kissed up his jawline as he played still.
Ivan: good morning beautiful
Jess: morning babe
I pulled away from ivan and hugged emi and my brother.
Jess: okay you guys keep playing I will be downstairs. I left their room and went downstairs. Chance was sitting on the couch and Jake was around the corner in the kitchen vlogging. I sat down next to Chance
Jess: hey
Chance: hi
It was really awkward between us and I wanted it to stop
Jess: so how are you doing
Chance: just perfect. He snapped at me
Jess: are you okay I'm kind of worried Chance.
Al of a sudden he swung at me and punched me in the nose.
I pulled my hand up to my nose and pulled it away blood was pouring from my nose.
Jake ran into the room
Jake ran over to me and told me to lean my head back
Chad came running into the room as Ivan ran down the stairs with my brother. Chad grabbed chance and pulled him into the house. Jake got a roll of paper towels. He put a few under my nose to stop the bleeding.
Ivan: oh my god Jess are you okay
Jess: yeah it's broken though
Ivan: how do you know.
Jess: I have broken it twice before this.
Ivan pulled me into a hug
Jake: Ivan can you hold this I will be back.
Jake handed them to Ivan and left the house.

I was in the kitchen vlogging when all of a sudden Jessica screamed. I ran in and she had blood pouring out of her nose with Chance next to her. I yelled for Ivan to get down here. Chad, Ivan and her brother ran into the room. Chad took chance out of the room and Ivan ran over to hold Jess.. I handed Ivan the paper towels and walked outside. Chance and chad were on the back patio
Chance: she pissed me off
Jake: pack your stuff I want you out of this house by tomorrow morning.
Chance: Jake what why
I ignored him and walked back to Jessica.
Jake: guys go get in the van we are going to the emergency room
Jess: Jake I will be fine but I'm getting pants first.
Jake: now
Austin Ivan Jess and Emilio all got into the van. I followed them out and got into the drivers seat
Jake: you don't have to worry about Chance anymore he is done with team ten
Jess: Okay but Jake he is your best friend you can't just end that because he punched me
Jake: actually Jess I can because this isn't the first time he did shit like this. He is gone end of story
Jess: sorry

Ivan pulled me into a tighter hug as I kept my paper towels on my nose. We finally arrived at the hospital and went in. I sat down with Austin and emi while Jake and Ivan checked in. I pulled Austin into a side hug resting my head on his shoulder
Jess: hey don't worry I will be okay I promise
Austin: I know
Jess: do you know what news Mom had to tell me
Austin: no
Jess: she's pregnant
Austin: what the fuck. What do you mean pregnant
Jess: yup that's why I took you and I don't know what to do with the baby. She can't raise a baby.
Austin: why don't you adopt it.
Jess: austin I'm 18 I can't have a baby to worry about.
Austin: but you might have to
Jess: I know
Soon Ivan came back over with Jake. He sat down on my other side. Austin and Emilio were talking about god knows what.
Jess: I wanna kiss you but I can't ugh
Ivan: but I can kiss you.
He pulled me in and kissed my forehead
Jess: I love you
Ivan: I love you now can you please stop getting hurt.
I laughed the nodded.
Doctor: Smith.
We all stood up and walked to him.
He took us back to a huge room and I sat on a bed with Ivan holding my hand next to the bed.
Doctor: so what happened
Jess: I was punched in the nose.
I pulled there paper towel off my nose keeping it below to catch the drips.
Doctor: ouch that looked like it hurt
Jess: yeah but I broke my nose twice before so I am kind of used to it.
Doctor: that must have sucked.
I laughed
Jess: yeah.
Doctor: well we can wrap it once the bleeding stops and then you are free to go
Jess: thank you sir
Doctor: no problem
About 20 minutes later the bleeding stopped and a nurse came in and wrapped it.
They gave me a bottle of pain meds and we left the hospital.
Jess: babe can you pleaaseee carry me
Ivan: only cause you are hurt
Jess: yay I love you
Ivan: I love you too.
He carried me to the car then Jake drove home. Ivan picked me up and carried me into the bed. I fell asleep propped against pillows. With Ivan on my chest

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