Chapter 15

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I woke up to a shirtless Ivan's chest. I slowly sat up and just watched him being very careful not to wake him up. Damn I never really realized how perfect he is
Ivan: aww thanks you also never realized how gorgeous you are
Jess: whoops did I say that out loud. I didn't mean to wake you go back to sleep it's only 9:30am. Can I go to the bathroom.
yeah sure he replied releasing me. I walked into the bathroom to change my pad and pee I put a new one on and brushed my teeth and washed my face. I walked out of the bathroom and into my closet to change. I took all of my clothes off so I was just in a lacy black bra and underwear set when Ivan walked into my closet with me. I hurried up and put my hand over my cleavage.
Jess: oh um uh hi
He just stared at me which made me uncomfortable
Ivan:wow you look amazing.
Jess: aww thanks now can you leave so I can get dressed.
Ivan: yeah um I will be downstairs.
He walked out and I got dressed

I walked downstairs to see Ivan sitting at the counter on his phone with everyone else

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I walked downstairs to see Ivan sitting at the counter on his phone with everyone else. I walked to the fridge to grab my bottle of orange juice. I walked over to Ivan and put my elbow on his shoulder.
Jess: what's up
Jake: nothing
Anthony: I'm borrrreddd
Chance: me too bro
Ivan leaned over and kissed me.
Chanthony: awwwww goalsss
Jess: shut up tonerrrrrr
Jake: let's go on a trip I have an idea.
Jess: where are we going I said from sitting on Ivan's lap with my arms around his neck and my head on his shoulder.
Jake: surprise go get the girls and everyone meet me in the van.
Jess: ugh okay I hopped off Ivan's lap and ran to Tessa's room. T come on we are going on a surprise trip I said
Tessa: ok I'm coming
Jess: Okay meet us in the van I said as I walked out of her room and ran downstairs to Erika's room. Hey e we are going on a surprise trip I said.
Erika: Okay I'm following you
Jess: Okay I started walking out to the van with Erika following closely behind me. We walked out to the van and got into our seats the order was
Jake                                     Erika

Emilio                              Chance with Tessa on his lap

Anthony     Ivan      Jess

We were just waiting for Tessa to come out of the house. About one minute later Tessa came out locking the house behind her. She walked over to the car smiling and climbed in onto chances lap. We were driving for about an hour until Jake said we are here. We were at the Santa Monica beach. At that moment Erika and I looked at each other and we both knew we were smacking our faces repeatedly inside. We just smiled and got out of the car and walked down to a nice spot in the sand
Jess: Jake why did you take up here we don't have towels or bathing suits
Jake: who needs those we have our clothes.
At that moment Ivan picked me up bridal style and started running for the waves
Jess: Ivan I swear to god if you put me in that water right now I will never talk to you again
He slowed down his running and replied.
Ivan: why
Jess: just please don't please
Ivan: nope you are going in
Jess: IVAN I am bleeding out of my vagina now if you put me in that water right now I will kill you I swear to god on my life.
Ivan: Okay he dropped me so that I was standing and he kissed me hard with a lot of lust and passion. We made out for like 2 minutes till we heard someone clear their throat. We pulled away and looked over at everyone just staring at us.
Jess: well then im gonna go lay down in the shade
Erika: me too
We walked away from the group and sat down in the shade.
Erika: you are so lucky he didn't throw you in.
Jess: you are telling me I only had to tell him I was on my period and he let go of me.
Erika: I already told Jake not to throw me in
We sat there watching everyone else vlog and play in the sand until they all walked over to us and said we are gonna go home so we all got up and walked to the car and sat in the same seating position but Emilio and Anthony swapped seats. We got back to the house and Jake and Ivan went to the store and the girls and I sat in Erika's bed watching thirteen reasons why. We all sat there crying when Ivan and Jake came home and walked into Erika's room with bags full of chocolate and ice cream and roses. They also had all kinds of candy. I got up from my spot and ran over to him and hugged him crying even more from what they did for us Erika did the same and Tessa just recorded the whole thing. I whispered in Ivan's ear I love you
I felt him smile into the crook of my neck then heard him say I love you more princess.  The boys eventually left the room to do what ever stupid stuff they had planned for tonight when we all sat back down and finished a few more episodes when I got tired so I told the girls goodnight and walked out of Erika's room into the kitchen I hugged Ivan tightly from behind and said I was going to bed. He said he was coming up too so he picked me up bridal style and carried me up the steps and into my room he put me down and I walked into the closet and I took off my clothes and decided to sleep In my black lacy bralette and put on spandex shorts. I walked over to the bed where Ivan was laying shirtless.
Ivan: woah woah woah go put a shirt on
Jess: no
Ivan: yes because I won't be able to control myself with you wearing that
Jess: life sucks
I slid into bed and cuddled up to his nice warm chest. And fell asleep thinking about him

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