Chapter 28

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I woke up to the amazing sounds of voices. I carefully tip toed down the hallway to the steps. I stopped to listen. Then walked downstairs
Jess: hey guys
They immediately stopped singing and looked at me.
I looked at jack and he snapped out of his trance
Jack: oh hi this is Jessica my best friend
I laughed then told jack that I should probably head home.
Jack: Okay bye Jess I'll miss you. Hey if you ever need anything I'm one call away
Jess: okay thank you jack bye.
I walked out to my car and got in exhaling a deep breath that I did not even know I had held in. I started it and started driving home to the team ten house. I really didn't want to have to go home. Wow I need to stop running from my problems. I drove for about 20 minutes till I arrived. I pulled into the driveway and looked out my windshield at the garage door and sighed. After about five minutes of convincing myself to go in I grabbed my keys and phone and locked my car. I started walking to the front door. I put my hand on the knob and sighed again. I walked in and Jake and Erika immediately ran over to me and hugged me. We eventually pulled away and Jake was my bruised bloody knuckles. He carefully lifted my hand and looked at them then looked at me
Jake: Jess what is this
I looked down and chuckled before I looked up at Jake
Jess: I went to the gym last night and let my anger out a little too much
Jake: oh were you there all night
Jess: no I came home at three am then freaked on Ivan for no reason and left again
Jake: ohh he hasn't left your room all day.
I sighed then said I will go talk to him jake nodded his head and I walked past him and slowly and quietly walked up the steps. I approached my door and froze. You could hear Ivan sniffling on the other side of the door. I put my hand on the knob and tried to open it. It was locked. I put my code in and opened it. Ivan was curled up with his knees up to his chest on the floor at the bottom of my bed. I ran in and collapsed on the floor next to him pulling him into a hug I put my hand on the side of his head and pushed it into my chest
Jess: hey I'm here now. I'm sorry I left I just. To be honest I don't have an excuse or a reason. But hey I love you
Ivan: I love you too and I was worried you asshole
Jess: rude but I know you were I'm sorry.
Ivan: let's go to the park
Jess: actually I have other plans I smirked
Ivan: oh he looked down disappointed what are they
Jess: let's go meet that little girl Kaylee
Ivan: really all of us  or just you and me.
Jess: Just you and me but I asked Jake the other day if she could come spend a night here as a sleepover and he said yes.
Ivan: no way she is gonna be so happy
Jess: I know now let's go dork
We stood up then I pulled him into me by his waist. I kissed him passionately. Then we pulled away I went into the closet to get dressed. I put this on

Then we went to get into the car

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Then we went to get into the car. I texted kaylees Mom telling her to meet us at the local park. Ivan put his hand on my thigh while I put my right hand on top of his as I drove with my left hand. We arrived at the park and I looked over at him
Jess: are you ready and I love you
Ivan: yes I am and I love you too.
I leaned in and pecked his lips then we got out of the car. We walked over tot he swings where we were supposed to meet her. Ivan grabbed my hand interlocking our fingers. We waited for about 10 minutes then they arrived. Kaylee ran over to me and hugged me
Jess: we love you two
Kaylee: I can't believe this is real
Jess: it is you did pack a bag right because you are sleeping over
Kaylee: yes I did
Jess: you can either sleep in Erika or Tessa's room because I have Ivan In my bed and any other night I would make Ivan sleep in the ratchet room but I wasn't home last night so he needs me to cuddle with him.
I smiled at him then leaned over and ruffled his hair
Ivan: HEY that was mean
Jess: aww poor baby
Kaylee: I would like Tessa's and awww you sleep together
Jess: yes we do
I wrapped my arms around Ivan's waist
Ivan: well girls it's getting late it's almost 4:00 pm we should start heading home Jake wants up to have bonding time.
Jess: ugh fine but can you carry me back to the car I don't want to walk
Ivan: really Jess ugh get on my back
I jumped up on his back and kissed his cheek wrapping my arms around his neck. I told Kaylee to follow us and she followed next to us. We walked to the car and Ivan wet me down. I walked over to the drivers side. Ivan got in the side and Kaylee climbed into the backseat
Kaylee: this is a really nice car
Jess: thank you Kaylee so Kaylee how old are you
Kaylee: I am 14
I smirked and then said that's cool. I thought in my head my brother is fifteen this could be a match made in heaven. I drove him with Ivan's hand high up on my thigh. I smiled like an idiot the whole way home. We arrived and Kaylee was freaking out in the backseat. I let out a Breath and opened my door Kaylee did the same with Ivan. We all walked into the house and I screamed IM HOME BITCHESS
Ivan: wow I feel loved
I walked over to him and kissed him
Jess: dont worry I love you baby
The girls came running in screaming yeeessss
Jess: okay girls this is Kaylee and also Tess she is sleeping in your bed with you
Tessa: I can sleep in chances bed and she can have my room to herself
Jess: sure
Ivan: let's make a FORT
I laughed then we built a fort. We stayed in there till it was 10:00 pm then Ivan and I went to bed  and changed. I put on my lacy black bra set and laid down next to him we cuddled and I said I missed this last night and with that we fell asleep

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