Chapter 9

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I woke up to my alarm clock beeping then remembered I leave tomorrow I had all of my stuff packed into suitcases. I got out of bed and decided to call Ivan. He immediately answers. He has been very fast to answer since I told him about my dad.
Ivan: good morning beautiful
I turned a bright red then replied
Jessica: good morning handsome
Ivan: I miss you... has your dad returned yet
Jessica: no he hasn't he will be back Sunday though.
Ivan: Okay if he ever hurts you again....
he stopped himself and I found see him turning red.
Jessica: I know and I'm gonna go get ready I'm hanging out with Ali today love you
Ivan: Okay be safe love you
Jessica: Okay I will
I threw my phone down on my bed and walked to my closet.

 Jessica: I know and I'm gonna go get ready I'm hanging out with Ali today love youIvan: Okay be safe love youJessica: Okay I willI threw my phone down on my bed and walked to my closet

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I grabbed an outfit that I could add a scarf too because my hickeys are still dark purple

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I grabbed an outfit that I could add a scarf too because my hickeys are still dark purple.

 I threw on light makeup and a pair of white converse and then ran out of my room down the stairs and out the door to my car to go to Alison's house without any body noticing

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I threw on light makeup and a pair of white converse and then ran out of my room down the stairs and out the door to my car to go to Alison's house without any body noticing. I really did not feel like facing my dad and I hated lying to Ivan about my dad being on a business trip. But if I didn't he would just worry about me and find out about my surprise team 10 addition. I kept telling myself I only have 22 hours left of my family's abuse. I arrived at Alison's house and knocked
Alison: HEY JESS
Jessica: HEY ALI
I walked inside and prayed Alison would not see the dark purple bruises all over my body and the red mark on my face from my dads strong hand.
Alison: I see you are still covering your neck she laughed
Jessica: yeah lol
Alison: did your dad find out?
Jessica: .......yes I looked down
Alison clenched her fist and said through gritted teeth what did he do to you
I started balling my eyes out and showed her my arms legs and face. I was hesitant to show her my arms because of what I did to myself a few days ago
Alison: does Ivan know?
Jessica: no he doesn't also still doesn't know about team 10
Alison: okay
I just stayed quiet I don't think she realized what I did to my arms.
Jessica: Ivan is gonna be pissed when he sees me
Alison: I would be pissed too I am pissed.
Jessica: not helping here
Alison: I'm more disappointed in you though
Jessica:..... wh.. why
Alison: cause you cut again.
I looked down and felt the tears coming but I knew they could not come out so I forced them back down.
Alison: Jess you were almost a year clean and now this really. You could have called me I would have been over immediately.
Jessica: I I know. And then the tears came pouring out.
We watched movies all day it is now 11:30 pm
Alison: Okay well it's late you should probably go.
Jessica: yeah I was supposed to be home at 11
Alison: don't forget about me in la
Jessica: I won't
We hugged for about 5 minutes then said our goodbyes and I left I did not want to get home because I knew my dad would be there to beat me.
I walked in the door and there he was standing there waiting.
Jessica: h-h-hi dad
Jessica: Alison's
Jessica: we were watching a movie and fell asleep
Jeff: whatever go to your room bitch
Jessica: yes sir.
I started to walk away then he grabbed me arm really tight and pulled me to him. He started smacking me and leaving all kinds of bruises all over my body. I got out of his grip and ran to my room. I ran into my closet and started balling my eyes out. I grabbed my suitcase and started packing. My dad does not know about La I told my mom and brother not to tell him. My brother is at camp with his friends so I haven't seen him in a while. I finished packing at like 1 am I have two suitcases full of clothes and one full of stuff that I wanted to have in la. Ivan still does not know I decided to call Jake cause it's only like 11 in La.
Jessica: I am ready and packed
Jake: Okay your flight leaves at 11:00 am
Jessica: Okay I can't wait
Jake: I am gonna send Ivan out with Tessa and Erika out all day so they get home at like 11 pm
Jessica: Okay I have everything I need ready
Jake: Okay see you then
My mom is the only one that knows about me leaving plus my brother. We aren't gonna tell my dad because I don't want him to beat me. I was really tired but I could not sleep so I got my camera out and set it up and started talking
What up fam it's me Jessica. This is a kind of different video. Because I haven't uploaded in a while so I decided to make a vlog/ sit down video. I have something really important to tell all of you amazing people... I AM......... MOVING FROM PENNSYLVANIA TO LOS ANGELES CALIFORNIA. Also I have more huge news I AM JOINING TEAM 10. I haven't been uploading because I went on a getaway trip to Ohio. I met some of you amazing people there too. It is currently 2:00 in he morning and I am filming this because I can't sleep. I am leaving to La at 11:00 am today. I am gonna vlog my airport trip and meeting all of team 10 so yeah see you amazing people in like 6 hours. Byeee.
I ended that clip then edited it and decided to go to sleep.

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