Chapter 37

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I woke up with nobody in the bed. Ivan must have went downstairs already. I went to the bathroom and brushed my teeth and hair. I went to the closet to get dressed cause it is freezing in the house in my underwear. I found this outfit cause it was nice.

I got dressed and walked downstairs

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I got dressed and walked downstairs. Jake had the wheel out again. Jake, chanthony, and the twins were playing so I decided to join.
Jake: Jessica your turn to spin
Jess: whatever Jake. I spun the wheel and it landed on tattoo
Jake: ooh you have to get a tattoo
Jess: okay let's go
Ivan: are you really gonna do this babe
Jess: of course now come onnn I grabbed my Ferrari key and Jake grabbed the Tesla key.
Jess: Ivan is riding with me cause I only have two seats
I kept revving the engine a lot and going fast. I think I was scaring him to be honest. But what he doesn't know is that on the inside I am terrified. As I said before that's a story for another time. We arrived at the tattoo place and we had to wait for Jake to get there..
We walked over to a bench outside and sat down
Ivan: are you sure you want to do this babe
Jess: yes I already have one
Ivan: what where
Jess: I have the words "live fast" tattooed on my right ankle cause that's the gas pedal side
Ivan: oh okay
It got kind of awkward. After that conversation because I acted like I didn't want to talk about it. I grabbed Ivan's hand and laid my head on his shoulder. He wrapped his arms around my waist and rubbed circles on my thumb. It relaxed me a lot. I didn't even know I was tense we sat there till Jake got here.
Jake: hey
I yelled stop up back at him.
We walked inside and I sat down and told the guy what tattoos I wanted. Ivan held my hand even though I was fine. It hurt a little bit but it wasn't bad enough to cry. We finished the tattoos. And I got up and looked at them
Jake: you do know you only had to get one right
Jess: I know but I wanted three
Jake: yo my girls a flipping savage
Ivan: wrong. My girl is a savage
Jake: yes
I laughed and looked at them again here's what they look like.

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And for the last one I got breathe on my inner lip

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And for the last one I got breathe on my inner lip. We walked out and got into our cars to drive home. We drove home and walked inside with Jake vlogging my car. I rolled my eyes at him and walked up to my room. Ivan watched me walk up and them went to talk to Emilio. I went into the room into then went over to the bed. I sat on the edge of the bed placing my elbows on my knees with my hands on my forehead running them lightly through my roots of my hair. I closed my eyes and then had a flashback. I tried to stop it but I couldn't

FLASHBACK •^•^^•^•^•^•^•^•^•^•^•^•^•^•^•^•^
I was racing down a old road in my bright red Lamborghini with my old best friend Alexis. Alison told me not to go. It was a week after a snowstorm. The snow had all melted and it was really wet on the roads but Alexis wanted to go racing. I had complete control of the car. There was another one of our friends going really fast on the car next to us. We were all having fun until they hit a patch of ice going 110 miles an hour. They slammed into Alexis's side of the car and sent us flying off the road into a patch of trees. I tried to control it and swerve away from the trees but I couldn't we were going too fast and I couldn't. We hit the tree sideways right on Alexis's door. I tried to cover her but failed. She died immediately. I sat there crying trying to help then called 9-1-1. I hit my head really hard on the window but I wasn't worried about me. My best friend just died in front of me.
FLASHBACK OVER •^•^•^•^•^•^•^•^•^•^•^•^•^•

That is why I am terrified of fast cars. The reason I was so jumping on the chance to get a Ferrari was because I need to get over this. I need to face my fears. My other "friends" were fine. And every time I look at the tattoo on my ankle I cry because it was a matching set with Lexi. I guess I was balling my eyes out with me in the same position still because Ivan Came bursting through the door pulling me into a hug
Ivan: beautiful what's wrong.. shhh baby it's okay I'm here.
I kind of collapsed into his hug and I wrapped my arms around his neck. A few seconds later Jake Came bursting in.
Jake: Jess are you okay
Ivan: it's okay I got her can you shut the door when you leave
Jake: of course.
I heard the door shut and I wiped my tears. Looking up and Ivan's ocean blue eyes. He looked into my bloodshot hazel eyes and took his hand up wiping my leftover tears. I smiled a little and my my arms on his neck pulling him closer to me and I kissed him. I pulled away and looked into his eyes again
Jess: I love you so fucking much Ivan Martinez.
Ivan: I love you so fucking much Jessica Ann Smith
I smiled and we climbed him into bed cuddling. Nothing much else happened that day because we were sleeping and it was already late

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