Chapter 50

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I woke up when my alarm went off. I grabbed my phone and turned it off. It is 5:00 am. I rolled over and shook Ivan.
Jess: babe we gotta get ready
Ivan: uhhhhhg can't we just cuddle for like ten more minutes.
Jess: I wish babe but no we can't we gotta goo
Ivan: fine I'm getting up
Jess: good I love you
Ivan: I love you too
I kissed him and ran into my closet. I grabbed this and got dressed.

The hoodie was obviously Ivan's so it fit like a dress

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The hoodie was obviously Ivan's so it fit like a dress. Ivan came into the closet and got dressed into this

Jess: aww we almost twinnedIvan: yup that's why I chose this outfit

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Jess: aww we almost twinned
Ivan: yup that's why I chose this outfit.
Jess: I love you and I can't wait to meet your family
Ivan: I can't wait for you to meet them either and I love you too.
I wrapped my arms around his neck and kissed him.
We made out for about five minutes till I pulled away
Ivan: ugh why did you pull away
Jess: cause we gotta go
Ivan: fine
We walked out of the closet and I grabbed my suitcase as Ivan grabbed his following behind me. We walked downstairs and Austin and Emilio were sitting on suitcases waiting for us.
I looked back at Ivan Questioningly
Ivan: surprise
Jess:I'm happy you guys are coming
Ivan and I have another surprise but it's at the airport
Jess: ugh fine
We were about to walk out the door when diamond and Apollo ran over to us.
Jess: hi baby auntie Tessa is gonna watch you Okay.
I kissed her and we walked out the door we went into my audi and Ivan drove cause I was tired. Austin and Emilio sat in the back
I leaned against the window looking out the windshield.
Jess: I wanna get a new car
Austin: OOH WHAT ONE. A mclaren, a lambo
I froze when he mentioned a Lamborghini. I felt my eyes fill with tears as I looked back at him.
Austin: I'm sorry I mentioned that are you okay.
I wiped my eyes and nodded
Emilio: what was that about.
Jess: I don't wanna talk about it. If you really wanna know ask Austin or Ivan later.
Austin: so what kind of car do you want
Jess: I wanna sell this car and get a Range Rover suv or something I don't know yet.
Ivan: cool. We kept driving in silence till we got to the airport. We got out and gave the keys to the valet and went into the airport. Ivan led us through security and out the back of the airport
Jess: where are we going
Ivan: you will see
Jess: ugh
I let him keep leading us till we got to a private jet
Jess:wait is this a joke
Ivan: no Jake let's us borrow it
Jess: oh my god this is crazy
Ivan: yup now let's gooo
We all boarded the plane and sat down.
Jess: I can't fucking believe jack let us borrow the jet.
Ivan: yeah this is crazy
Emilio: have you ever been on a private jet before
Jess: yeah our dad used to have one but sold it when he decided to ruin my life.
Ivan was sitting next to me and he pulled me onto his lap. The plane took off and I fell asleep on Ivan. I woke up with about two hours left of the trip.
Jess: I have to go to the bathroom
Ivan: Okay princess
I stood up and went to the back where the bathroom was. I passed a little bar with alcohol.
I ignored it and went to the bathroom. I walked out and Emilio was at the bar about to pour a shot of whiskey
Jess: em what the hell are you doing
I wasn't mad I was worried about his reaction when the whiskey burned the shit out of his throat.
Emi: I was gonna have my first shot
Jess: oh honey let me help you there.
Emi: I don't need help
Jess: Emilio this is whiskey it will burn the shit out of your throat
He already had the shot poured so I picked it up and dumped it down my throat
Emi: Jess why did you do that
Jess: to save you
I crouched down and grabbed a bottle of grey goose and poured him a shot
Jess: if Ivan asks I did not take a shot of whiskey and did not help you with this Okay
Emi: Okay thanks Jess
He picked the shot up and took it. I could tell it hurt cause he squished his face up
Emi: ouch
I reached into my back pocket and grabbed two pieces of mint gum. I put one piece in my mouth and gave the other to emi
We walked back and I sat down next to Ivan as emi and Austin were being stupid
Ivan: what took you so long babe
Jess: oh the bathroom was out of toilet paper so I helped Emilio find some
Ivan: oh okay. I laid my head down in his lap and fell asleep again.

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