Chapter 17

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I woke up to my alarm beeping it was 9:00pm Ivan was spooning me. I rolled over and carefully shook him away
Jess: baby baby wake up we have to get ready to go.
babygirl can't we just stay here and cuddle he replied as he pulled me closer
Jess: Ivannnnn no come on I said as I pulled away.
Ivan: Jess I have a bad feeling about tonight
Jess: Ivan I promise you everything will be okay as long as you are there with me.
Ivan: I won't leave your side the whole time I promise babygirl
Jess: good I smiled at him and got my vlog camera out because we decided to vlog this.
Hey jesters what's popping so this vlog some of the members of team ten here with me will be going to a haunted asylum. I walked over to Ivan and put my elbow on his shoulder. Also we have an announcement to make I smirked. We are DATING. I know most of you guys already knew but we have been together for about a month now and we are happy I said grabbing his hand. Okay so I will update you guys when we get there.
I put Ivan's black thrasher hoodie on over my mesh shirt. I grabbed an adidas drawstring backpack and put my camera and an extra battery and a few go pros. I also put my portable charger with my cord and phone in it.
Jess: hey baby do you want to put your phone in my bag.
Ivan: sure here you go he said handing me his phone
We walked downstairs and got into the van in these seating positions
Jake                                  chad
Tessa    Chanthony Kade
Tristan       Emilio          Ivan with my on his lap
On the way there my phone buzzed and I checked it smiling. It was my best friend jack avery. We have been best friends since diapers

Jacky: hey I heard you were in la wanna meet up sometime I'm here too
                    Jess: yeah of course I missed you so much
Jack: yeah it has been too long
                          Jess: yeah it has well I gotta go love     you best friend                   

I looked up and Ivan was looking down at me with like hurt and anger in his eyes
Jess: baby what's wrong I whispered
Ivan: you tell me
Jess: I'm confused.
Ivan: who were you texting
Jess: oh my gosh Ivan that was my best friend jack.
Ivan: yeah sure
Jess: here check my phone if you don't believe me I said handing him my phone there is nothing on it I am completely loyal to you I love you. Only you Ivan I kissed his cheek.
Ivan: here take you phone back I trust you babygirl he said handing me my phone.
I took it and just put it in my backpack. Then I looked up at him and licked my lips then pulled his head in for a long kiss.
Tristan: *clears throat*
Jess: yess Tristan
He gave me he death glare and I laughed putting my head into Ivan's chest.
Kade: you two better be behaving back there or I will have to come back and go uncle on you two
Ivan: we are behaving uncle kade don't worry he looked down at me and smiled. I love you
Jess: I love you too
Jess: Shut up toner
We all talked and blasted music for the rest of the car ride. We got there at about 11:00pm and we got out of the car
Tessa: this is so creepy
Jess: yeah I looked back at Ivan and gave him a reassuring smile
I whisper to him it will be okay relax. I noticed he was very tense so I put my hand under his arm and massages the small of his back. I leaned over to him and kissed him to relax him. We all walked over to where the hole in the gate was and we all went through it. I held Ivan's hand as we walked through the open door. We walked into the open area and decided this would be a good spot. I put go pros throughout the room. To try to catch anything. Then we set the blanket down with the ouija board and I pulled out my camera
Hey what's up jesters I'm back and we are now at the asylum. Ivan walked over to me and kissed my cheek and put him arm around my waist. Okay so here is our setup I said turning the camera around to show he board and blanket. I turned it back to me. I'm really excited to do this because nothing scares me. Because death is inevitable and we can't avoid it so may as well do as much as you can in the time that you have. I have go pros set up all over the room to try and capture anything. Jake, Ivan, me, Tristan Tessa and Chance are gonna play and kade will be recording with Emilio and Anthony. Okay so Emilio will have this camera to record bye guys
I handed the camera to Emilio and we got the board set up and asked it if anyone was here.
Is anyone here
Okay let's ask it it's name Jake suggested
What is your name
Okay Hannah nice to meet you I said everyone looked at me like I was crazy.
Hannah I just wanted to let you know we are not here to harm you or anything we just would like to talk I said
Okay let's ask it what my moms name is cause I'm he only one that knows I said.
What is my moms name
I stood there shocked with my mouth dropped it was right.
Okay I have another one that only I would know.
How old was I the first time I was raped
Ivan looked at me like shocked but sad and angry. It started moving to answer
Jess: it's right
I looked at everyone who looked shocked then I remembered only Ivan and Jake and the girls knew about that whoops
Jess: I will explain in the car.
Everyone nodded their head then we asked it a few more questions then I asked if I could look through the planchette.
Can I look through the planchette I  asked
  I slowly picked it up to look at everyone and he looked at everyone slowly and nothing was wrong but he noticed there was a beautiful little girl sitting in front of us smiling at me and I couldn't help but smile back. I said out loud Hannah you are beautiful
I put the planchette down and we decided to quit playing and put it away after we said goodbye but we decided to leave it there with the blanket. I grabbed all of the go pros and my camera off of Emilio and ended my vlog and put everything in my bag. We all started to walk to the door when it all of a sudden slammed shut and I immediately grabbed my phone and started recording and I felt a slicing pain on my arm but ignored it and we then went to climb out the window next to the door when we heard glass shatter so we all jumped out of the window and ran to the car. We got to the car and I noticed my arm was bleeding.
Jess: hey guys I'm bleeding. I said calmly
Ivan immediately ran over to me and looked at my arm and he got the first aid kit out of the van and cleaned it and wrapped it. Being careful to hide my scars and cuts from the others. We got my arm cleaned up and then all got back into the van and got in our seats then I decided to tell them.
Jess: so about that one question. I was raped when I was eight and nobody in my family ever gave a shit about me so that's why I was so happy to come here and get away  from them hopefully for good. Then a little while ago when I was missing for the day and Ivan and Jake came to get me I was raped again there Okay
Everyone looked at me with sympathetic eyes and Emilio hugged me. I hugged him back
Anthony: well we are all here to protect you now he smiled
Jess: thanks toner I laughed.
I fell asleep in Ivan's arms on the way home.

AUTHORS NOTE ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••
I'm sorry about the late update but this is a really long chapter to make up for it thanks guy remember to vote and comment I love reading them

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