Chapter 13

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I woke up with Ivan's strong arms around me and my head cuddled into his chest. I then remembered what happened yesterday and started crying I tried to stay quiet but failed and Ivan woke up. Shhh babygirl it's okay I'm here now and nobody will ever hurt you ever again I promise he said while pulled me closer to his chest. I cried for about 15 minutes then he said he was going downstairs. He went down and I ran into the bathroom. I then brushed my teeth and washed my face. I put on long sleeves and sweatpants

I started to walk downstairs when I saw Ivan at the stove cooking

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I started to walk downstairs when I saw Ivan at the stove cooking. I walked over to him and hugged him from behind. He jumped like He was deep in thought.
Ivan: hey princess
Jess: hi
Ivan: I'm making you breakfast
Jess: aww thanks I love you
Ivan: I love you more he pulled me into a tight hug.
Jess: I'm gonna go talk to Erika and Tessa
Ivan: Okay I think they are both in Erika's room
Jess: Okay I love you
Ivan: love you more
I walked away from Ivan and into Erika's room.
They both immediately ran over and hugged me
i just whined inside then replied okay I can't wait
Jess: here or in public
Tessa: both
Jess: ugh okay after I eat breakfast can we do the public stuff first
Erika: of course I will call the places now
Jess: Okay where are we going
Erika: spa to get massages
Jess: o ookay
I walked out of the room and into the kitchen where Ivan just finishished cooking
Jess: hey babe?
Ivan: what princess
Jess: I'm having a girls day with Erika and Tessa.
Ivan: that's a good thing right
Jess: Not really we are getting massages.
Ivan: ohhh
Jess: I'm scared what if the girls see my bruises and then treat me differently
Ivan: trust me they won't
Jess: o ookay
Ivan: eat your breakfast
Jess: okay I ate all of my breakfast then went up to change.
I took all of my clothes off and then walked over to my full body mirror and looked at my bruises that were now mostly faded and my hickeys were gone but I looked so broken. I walked over to my closet and chose this for today.

I hesitantly walked downstairs and Ivan was waiting at the bottom

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I hesitantly walked downstairs and Ivan was waiting at the bottom.
Ivan: wow you look gorgeous
I just rolled my eyes and said yeah sure sarcastically
Ivan: I'm not lying you look beautiful
Jess: can we talk upstairs for a minute
Ivan: Okay yeah um sure
Jess: let's go
I could tell he was freaking out so I grabbed his hand and lead him into my room. I sat down on my bed and he sat next to me
Jess: I'm scared to go with them
Ivan: why
Jess: what if I have to take my clothes off and the girls see. I mean god I was raped two days ago
Ivan: princess you can get something else other than a massage
Jess: I guess you are right I climbed on his lap and said I love you so much
Ivan: I love you more
We sat there for about fifteen minutes till Erika yelled for me
Jess: bye babe I love you
Ivan: love you too
I got up off his lap and ran to where Erika and Tessa were waiting at the car. We got in the car and started driving to the spa. When we pulled out of the driveway I took the aux cord and started blasting its everyday bro. We soon arrived at the spa and started walking in. Tessa noticed I was kind of freaking out and gave me a reassuring embrace. We walked up to the front desk and told the lady our names.
Jess: Erika what are we getting
Erika: face massages they relieve stress
I just smiled at her and it felt like ten thousand pounds lifted off my chest.
Jess: ok thanks Erika I love you
Erika: no problem kid
We continued our casual conversation till we got called back to a room with three beds in it. We all layed down in one. The massages lasted about an hour then we decided we were hungry so we all went to chipotle. I got a vegan burrito and Erika and Tessa both got tacos. We finished eating and it was about 3:45 so we decided to head home. We arrived at the team ten house.
Erika: okay girls go get into comfy clothes and meet me in my room I am making popcorn and getting snacks.
Tessa and I: Okay thanks Erika
We both ran upstairs and into our rooms and I changed into my outfit that I had on before we left. I put my hair up into a messy bun and ran into the ratchet room where Ivan was laying on his bed scrolling through Instagram. I ran over to his bed and jumped on it hugging him
Ivan: jeez someone is in a good mood he said smiling
Jess: yeah I am I'm happy for once
Ivan: that's amazing I love you
Jess: I love you too the girls and I are now gonna have a movie day in Erika's room.
Ivan: noooo stay here with me please he said kissing me passionately and with love.
I kissed back for like 30 seconds and said I'm sorry baby but I have too and if you need me and it's an emergency you know where I am I said pecking his lips and walking down to Erika's room. I ran in and lightly jumped onto Erika's bed where they were waiting for me.
Tessa: what movie
Erika: what about mean girls
Jess: YES I love that movie
Tessa: so do I
We turned on the movie on Netflix and layed In Erika's bed cuddling for about an hour eating our popcorn when all of a sudden Ivan Came bursting in.
Ivan: baby we have an emergency he said freaking out.
Jess: what happened
Ivan: we were playing life size Jenga and it fell  over and landed on emis foot.
Erika jumped up out of bed yelling Jake IM GONNA KILL YOU
Tessa and I got up out of bed and walked out to where Emilio was laying on the couch.
Jess: emi what happened
Emilio: the tower fell over and hit me
We all heard Erika screaming at Jake and looked over and listened
Jake: I'm sorry I told him to move but it was too late.
Jake: Erika please no.
Erika walked into the room where Tessa and I were putting ice on Emilio's toes
Erika: Emilio are you okay.
Emilio: I think the real question is are you okay
Erika: yeah I'm fine
Emilio: I'm okay it hurts but I will be okay.
Erika: girls let's go finish our movie
Jess: Okay I walked over to Ivan and kissed him then walked into Erika's room with Tessa
Jess: hey e are you okay
Erika: yeah it's just my period started when we got home and I just told Jake doing that was a bad idea and ugh.
Tessa: it's okay Erika we all get like that sometimes
Jess: if it makes you feel better I get mine tomorrow
Erika and Tessa: poor poor Ivan
I just laughed and said poor poor Jake
We finished watching our movie and I walked up the the ratchet room where Ivan was sleeping and I cuddled up into his chest and whispered I love you goodnight he whispered I love you too and we both fell asleep in each other's arms.

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