Chapter 30

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I woke up and pulled my phone off of my nightstand.
I had a few texts so I opened them. They were all from my mom.
Carol: hey Jess I just called to tell you that I have everything packed and I am shipping your stuff along with the rest of our stuff to our LA house today. It should get there tomorrow and our flight is tonight.
Carol: call me when you wake up please
I got up off the bed and ran into the bathroom and made my hair presentable then got dressed into this

 Carol: call me when you wake up pleaseI got up off the bed and ran into the bathroom and made my hair presentable then got dressed into this

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I plopped back down on the bed laying on my stomach and set my phone up against the pillow and hit FaceTime.
My mom answered about five rigs into the call
Carol: hi Jess
Jess: hi Mom when are you coming tonight
Carol: our flight leaves 6:00 so we should get there at 2:00am
Jess: Okay I can come pick you up and drive you home
Carol: no sweetie we can get an Uber
Jess: Mom I will pick you up it's not s big deal
Carol: Jess. Seriously you don't have to. I know you have not been sleeping well you need the sleep
Ivan's grip tightened on my waist. He snuggled his head into my ribs
Carol: have you been taking your anger meds
I looked down ashamed
Jess: I said disappointedly
Jess: can you be quiet I don't want Ivan to wake up
Carol: why haven't you been taking them
Jess: Cause I don't like how they make me feel
Carol: Jess you can't be so careless. You need to take them
Jess: no you can't make me I'm 18
I felt Ivan lean up and kiss my cheek
Ivan: good morning princess
Jess: good morning
Ivan: hi carol
I gave Ivan a fake smile
Carol: hello well Jess I have to go wake Austin up
Jess: bye Mom
I quickly hung up then i let out a sigh and put my hands on my head running them through my waves
Ivan: babe are you okay
I gave him another fake smile and just said yeah I'm just stressed
Jess: wanna go to the gym
Ivan: yeah let me get dressed
I went into my closet to find a better outfit

 You need to take them Jess: no you can't make me I'm 18I felt Ivan lean up and kiss my cheekIvan: good morning princess Jess: good morningIvan: hi carolI gave Ivan a fake smile Carol: hello well Jess I have to go wake Austin upJess: bye Mom I qui...

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I put it on and ran out of the closet into the living room where Ivan was. I grabbed his hand and led him out to my Audi.
We got in and I turned on music. I drove to my gym and walked in putting my stuff in the locker that I bought. I pulled my wrist wraps and gloves out and walked to the heavy bag. Ivan went over to some type of equipment while I boxed. I went a little too hard and knew that my knuckles would be bloody. I like boxing without gloves more though so I took them off and boxed with my bare hands. Ivan walked over toward me while I was still punching the bag really hard
Ivan: damn babe.
I stopped and turned around toward him
Jess: oh hi
Ivan: what's on your mind cause it seemed like you had a ton of anger going into that bag.
I sighed and looked down
Jess: nothing I'm just stressed with the my dad situation and my mom and I got into a fight this morning and I'm just stressed. Don't worry about it
I walked over to him so that our chests were touching. He wrapped his arms around my back and I kissed him then pulled away
Jess: can I go back to punching this now please
Ivan: Jess why don't you take a break from this and do something else your knuckles are already bleeding.
He looked at me with soft worried eyes. I looked at him and stared at his eye
Jess: no I said really seriously
Jess: I will stop when it hurts
Ivan finally gave up and walked over to the treadmill
I turned back to my bag and started punching again. It finally started to hurt so I went to a sit-up bench and did like 200.
Ivan was still on a treadmill so I went to the one next to him and ran two miles. We finished and we went to the sauna. I sat next to Ivan and laid my head on his shoulder and kissed him. We started kissing harder and it turned into a make out. I pulled away and decided to head home it was 5:00pm. I walked to my locker to grab our bags and Ivan followed. I opened the locker and Ivan wrapped his arms around my waist and whispered in my ear which to be honest turned me on.
Ivan: baby those shorts make your ass look really good
I giggled and turned my head around and kissed his cheek
Jess: come on dork let's go home I wanna shower
Ivan: me too
I grabbed our stuff and we left. I drove ya home and we walked up to my room
Jess: babe I'm getting a shower
Ivan: can I get one with you
I froze kind of scared
Jess: um uh uhm
Ivan: it's okay beautiful if you don't want me too I can get one in Jake bathroom
Jess: I'm uncomfortable but wait you can if we wear bathing suits
Ivan: of course princess.
I ran into the closet and put on this bathing suit

 I ran into the closet and put on this bathing suit

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It made my butt look really good but I don't care. I walked into the bathroom and started a really hot shower the way I like it. I started washing my hair when Ivan walked in and offered to help. Of course I let him and he washed my hair being very careful. To be honest the hot water hurt my bloody knuckles really bad but I tried to ignore it and winced
Ivan: baby are you Okay did I hurt you
Jess: No no you are fine it's just my knuckles.
He dropped my hair and carefully made me turn toward him. He gently ran his fingers over my knuckles then lifted them up to his mouth and kissed them.  I giggled and we finished showering. I got dressed and went downstairs. Jake said he ordered all of us postmates.
Jake: chill I got you a grilled chicken salad.
Ivan walked downstairs
Ivan: wow Jess if that's how you really feel
I walked over to where Ivan was at the bottom of the steps and pulled him into a hug while whispering in his ear.
Jess: don't worry baby I'm all yours
Ivan: I know
I kissed him then the postmates got here I ran to the door and Jake paid. I grabbed my salad and ran to the couch and flopped down on it. Eating my salad. Jake and Ivan sat down on the couch with me and we turned on a movie. We watched the movie till it was time for us to go up to bed. We walked up and changed getting into bed. I curled up to Ivan's chest and acted like I fell asleep but the truth is I haven't sleep in a week.

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