Chapter 2

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This is Alison by the way ^^^Once we arrived at the mall we parked my car in the shade and ran into the mall acting like idiots into the Louis Vuitton store

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This is Alison by the way ^^^
Once we arrived at the mall we parked my car in the shade and ran into the mall acting like idiots into the Louis Vuitton store. We walked around looking at all of the stuff for about 30 minutes. We finally walked to the register to check out. I let Alison check out first the me.
This is what Alison got — - - - -

This is what Jessica got—————————-

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This is what Jessica got—————————-

This is what Jessica got—————————-

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Buy the end of us being at the Louis store I spent 3,600 dollars

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Buy the end of us being at the Louis store I spent 3,600 dollars. That was expensive but that's Okay. Alison and I then went to Pink and Victoria's Secret.
I bought 5 new bras and Underwear then I got 3 pairs of sweatpants and a pair of yoga pants. Alison got a few tops and we hen decided to go to get something cause we had not eaten in like 5 hours. I asked Alison where she wanted to eat and she said she wanted to get Starbucks. I said okay and we continued to walk to Starbucks. Once we got there I Got a venti vanilla bean Creme Frappuccino, and Alison got a pumpkin spice latte and a vanilla cake pop with sprinkles. We then left Starbucks and went to chick-fil-a and I got a twelve piece nuggets and Alison got the same. We walked to the cafeteria seating and took a seat. We started talking about how we were gonna spend our last days of summer before we need to get a job because we graduated from high school in June. We are gonna take a break year before thinking about college.
Alison: I think we should drive to Ohio and just kind of explore Columbus and other places.
Jessica: I think that's a great idea
Alison: maybe you will meet Jake Paul there
Jessica: I doubt it but even if I do I'm just a fan
Alison: ... and a YouTuber with over 2.9 million subscribers
Jessica: even if we meet he won't know about my channel
Alison: you look at the world so negatively
I just laughed at her comment but I know I wouldn't because he lives in la. As soon as we finished eating we threw our trash in the bins and continued walking. As we were about to walk into Sephora we ran into some fans and took a couple pictures with them and then continued on. I got some more naked skin foundation and tarte concealer then we decided to go home.
Once we got into the car we started talking about our Ohio trip.
Alison: when should we leave
Jessica: Monday at 12:00pm
Alison: Okay we can stop at my house and ask my Mom together then you can go home and ask your mom
Jessica: Okay I'm pretty sure they will all say yes
Alison: yeah me too we should go till next Monday
Jessica: sounds like a plan to me
Alison: I can't wait
Jessica: I KNOW SAME
  We pulled up to Alison's house and stood at her front door and I said are you ready and exhaled Alison replied yeah let's go in.  She opened the door and we walked into her living room to talk to her mother.
Alison: hey Mom we were wondering if we could go to Ohio for a girls week
Jessica: we would be leaving Monday (which is in two days) and we would be back next Monday
Her mom looked like she was thinking about it and then said,
Barbara: where would you be staying
Jessica: I will rent an air bnb I have one reserved for us.
Alison: so can I go? Please mom.
Barbara: yes, you can go but only if you call me every night to check in
Alison: THANK YOU SO MUCH MOM I will start packing right away
Jessica: Okay I will go home and talk to my mom I will FaceTime you when I get an answer
Alison: Okay
I exited Alison's house and walked to my car and got in it to drive home. This week is gonna be great.


I pulled into my driveway and took a deep breath to calm myself down. I walked into my house and said I'm home. My mom was in the kitchen so I walked in and said hi.
Carol: hi sweetie
Jessica: hey Mom I was Wondering if I could go to Columbus Ohio for a week with Alison. Please.
Carol: when will you be leaving and of course you can go you need a getaway from all of the drama happening
Jessica: THANK YOU SO MUCH I LOVE YOU AND We leave Monday and come back next Monday.
Carol: Okay I suggest you go start packing
I said okay and ran up to my room. As soon as I got to my room I called Alison
Alison: Hey
Alison: YAY I can't wait I'm gonna go pack bye
I immediately hung up and packed some cute but sexy clothes just Incase jake happens to be there with team 10 because it is a fact that I love the Martinez twins ALOT. I really wosh I could meet them but I knew i wouldn't but no matter what this trip is gonna be amazing.

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