Chapter 6

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Author's note ••••••••••••••••
Okay so I woke up with 50 reads so thanks you everyone. Also I am gonna try to write as much as I can today so I have a few chapters backed up Incase I forget to upload and on with the story ••••••••••••••

I woke up and realized what day it was it's Sunday and we are leaving tomorrow. I hurried out of bed to get ready and changed into this.

This is my hair outfit and makeup I walked out into the living room and Alison was not there i was so confused Alison is always up before me I checked the clock and it said that it was 11:30am I walked up the stairs to check Alison's room and she ...

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This is my hair outfit and makeup
I walked out into the living room and Alison was not there i was so confused Alison is always up before me I checked the clock and it said that it was 11:30am I walked up the stairs to check Alison's room and she was not in there either I was starting to get worried. I checked all of the other rooms and then decided to call her.
Alison: Chill I went out with a friend I will be back home later.
Jessica: Okay well a note would have been nice
Alison: sorry I will next time I got to go bye
Jessica: Okay bye.    she hung up.
I guess I'm on my own for the day. I picked up my phone and decided to call Ivan to see what he was doing.
Ivan: hey Jess what's up
Jessica: nothing much what about you
Ivan: same Jake and Emilio went somewhere for the day but I did not want to go.
Jessica: relatable Alison left without me knowing and gave me an anxiety attack and she still won't tell me where she is.
Ivan: that sucks do you want me to come over and be with you
Jessica: sure I will send you the address
Ivan: Okay
Jessica: *random address*
Ivan: Okay I'm on my way I will text you when I get there to open the gate.
Jessica: Okay bye.
Yay he is coming over so I won't be alone. I don't like being alone bad stuff usually happens when I am by myself. I sat down on the couch and turned on the tv. There wasn't really anything good on tv so I just clicked on the news so I could see the weather. I watched that for about 20 minutes then my phone Sade a ding sound. I looked at it and realized Ivan texted me and said that he was at the gate. I put on my shoes and ran out the door to the gate and opened it. He drove in and I closed the gate. I ran back to the door where he was waiting for me. He opened it and we walked inside. I walked over to the couch and sat down he sat down with me. I said do you wanna watch Netflix?
Ivan: sure
Jessica: can we watch a scary movie
Ivan: of course.
we turned on Annabelle and started watching it. About 10 minutes into the movie I got scared and hid my head in Ivan's chest. He just started laughing but I kept my head there and we cuddled for the rest of the movie. I love this kid so much. About halfway through the movie I fell asleep with my head on his lap.
Halfway through the movie Jessica fell asleep in my lap. She was so beautiful. I think I am falling in love with this girl. The movie finished and I turned the tv off. She was still sleeping. I can't believe that anyone would ever do such a horrible thing to the amazing girl that is sleeping on me. I decided to lay down next to her and hold her in my arms and cuddle. We were spooning for about 5 hours then it got a little bit darker and she woke up
Ivan: good morning princess.
Jessica: haha very funny.
Ivan: what can I say I'm a funny person
Jessica: *stopped laughing and smiling and looked sad* there is something I have to tell you.
I started worrying then said what is it. She said I'm going home tomorrow.
Ivan: ohh its okay we will spend our last day here together just like we are right now
She kind of smiled then said okay.
Ivan: Jeez you broke my ear and anything for you.
Jessica: YAY
I just laughed at how excited she was and I turned on mean girls. I kissed that top of her head and said I will miss you when you have to leave. She replied with I will miss you too and then said she was going to go change. I paused the tv and let her go.

I was sleeping on the couch with Ivan when he kissed the top of my head and said I will miss you. I replied with I will miss you too and told him I was going to change. He let go of me and I ran into my room to get into comfy clothes.

I left my hair in the bun and took off my makeup and ran back to the couch and snuggled my way under his muscular arms

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I left my hair in the bun and took off my makeup and ran back to the couch and snuggled my way under his muscular arms. I felt him smile into the back of my head. Him doing that automatically made me smile and turn my head to look back at him. When I did this he immediately smashed his lips onto mine but he did so with love and passion and thirst. I kissed back with the same passion I love him. We payed there holding each other in our arms like we were never gonna see each other again. All of a sudden he licked my bottom lip for entrance and I allowed it. He turned us so I was sitting on top of him straddling his lap. We were now making out and all of a sudden I felt him get hard. I pulled away and started laughing. He said what and I just looked down and we both sat up but I was still on his lap.
Ivan: I can't help it you are beautiful
I blushed until my cheeks were burning bright red. Then the door opened and Alison walked in and we looked at her like deer in the headlights.
Alison: I'm sorry did I interrupt something.
Jessica: I blushed so much and said no we were just watching mean girls.
Ivan: yup
Alison: if you say so
Jessica: hey where were you all day
Alison: I told you I was out with a friend
Jessica: if you say so
Alison: I say so and I'm going into my room goodbye.
Jess and Ivan: BYE
I then said now where were we then he said I think we were about right here and started sucking on my neck immediately finding my sweet spot I let out a moan thinking to myself are we moving too fast like we just started dating today but I don't care then I moaned again as he left more hickeys all over my neck then I started sucking on his sweet spot making him moan I left a few more then unlocked my phone to look at my camera to see my neck and I had about 15 hickeys all over it I looked at Ivan and locked my phone then smacked his chest playfully.
Ivan: HEY what was that for.
Jessica: look at me neck my mom is gonna see me tomorrow and is gonna kill me.
He just laughed
Jessica: well when you don't have a girlfriend anymore cause I'm dead we will see who will be laughing
Ivan: ouch okay
Jessica: ugh I guess I get to wear a scarf for the next three weeks cause these are dark
Ivan: if it makes you feel better mine is just as bad.
Jessica: yeah but you don't have to face your mom tomorrow.
Ivan: true but I have to face Jake and Emilio and all of team ten
Jessica: true
I checked my phone and realized that it is 11:30pm
Jessica: it's 11:30 does Jake know where you are.
Ivan: shit no he doesn't
Jessica: you should probably go home then so he doesn't hate me 😂
Ivan: yeah probably
He hugged me even harder then said I love you so much Jessica and I promise this won't me the last time we see each other. I hugged him back and then said I love you too and I know it won't be. He walked out the door and I ran into my room and plopped down on my bed high on love. I soon fell asleep

Authors note•••••••
Wow that was a really long chapter 1449 words I don't know how much I will be updating this weekend because I am going to be at my moms friends farm so here is this chapter

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