Chapter 55

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I woke up at 8am and got up out of Tessa's bed. I put this outfit on

I walked out of Tessa room and into the office

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I walked out of Tessa room and into the office. I saw Jake and nick sitting at their desks so I spoke up
Jess: hey
Nick oh my gosh are you okay Jess
Jake: what the hell did he do to you
He referenced my outfit. I had no skin showing
Jess: I just came to tell you Tessa and I are moving out right now. I already bought the house and I am taking Tessa temporarily because I don't want to live alone
Jake: Jess are you sure about this
Jess: yeah I can't see him everyday. Hell I don't want to see him ever
Jake: Okay I just want to know are you okay
Jess: if everything feeling numb and going in slow motion is okay then yes
Jake: Okay Jess... call me if you need anything.. within reason that is
Jess: Jake thank you for everything. And I'm still gonna be a part of team ten I just can't be here.
Jake: I know bye Jess
Nick: bye we will miss you Jess
Jess: I will miss you guys too
I left the room and walked downstairs to get a snack before I woke up Tessa. I went to the kitchen and stopped immediately
Ivan was sitting there with his hoe on his lap making out with her.
Jess: what is wrong with you. I thought you would be by my side for everything. Am I not good enough for you. Was I not enough for you
Ivan: jess no you weren't good enough or enough for me.
I ran towards the front door grabbing my keys and getting in the Ferrari. I pulled my phone out of my pocket as I bawled my eyes out. I called jack.
Jack: hey Jess i have not talked to you in so long what's up
Jess: can I come over I said in between sobs
Jack: Jess what happened of course. Should I come get you.. are you okay
Jess: no I can drive over I will be okay as long as I'm in your arms
Jack: Okay take your time and be careful.
Jess: I will bye.
I hung up and started the car driving away toward the why don't we house. When I got there I parked and ran to the door. I was still bawling my eyes out and Zach opened the door.
Zach: hey je... oh my god what happened.
He pulled me into his arms and shut the door
Zach: JACK
Jack came running down the stairs and took me from Zach
Jack: oh my god Jess what happened. Never mind you can tell me after I calm you down. jump
I slowly jumped up and wrapped my arms around his waist I laid my head in the crook of his neck and cried as he carried me up to his room. He laid me down and then cuddled me into his chest.
Jess: thank you jack
Jack: Jess please don't thank me. This is my responsibility as your bestfriend. No questions asked just to be there and hold you
Jess: do you want me to tell you what happened
Jack: only if you want to
Jess: I guess I do
Jack: then I have my ears open
Jess so we will start with the beginning
Well my mom is fucking s new guy everyday and got pregnant.
Jack: she can't raise a baby Jess
Jessica: I know I have to adopt it
Jack: wow Jess are you okay with that
Jess: no but moving on Ivan and I were going really strong. I met his family and everything was perfect till yesterday. I bought a house for us and the baby to move into cause he wanted to be the dad and then I walked downstairs and he had a girl on his lap and he was making out with her
Jack: oh Jess I'm so sorry
Jess: and then I broke down and packed everything and was gonna move out today with Tessa and then I walked downstairs and he was making out with her again and he said I was never enough or good enough for him so I ran out crying and came here.
Jack: oh Jess it's okay it's gonna be okay I promise.
He pulled me into his chest tighter
Jess: oh I forgot to tell you I have a sister that I never knew about now
Jack: wow
Jess: she is the complete opposite of me. She is perky and loves pink and we are trying to get on better terms with each other but I don't know
Jack: jeez wow by the way I love your hair. It looks so good on you
Jess: aww thanks Avery. I missed being held in your arms
Jack: I missed holding you in my arms
Jess: we need to hang out more
Jack: yes we do Jess go to sleep you look really tired you can sleep here in my arms tonight
Jess: thank you
Jack: no problem
And with that I fell asleep in my best friends arms

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