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Logan goes down stairs and grabs the keys off the counter kitchen table
Pam: where are you going ?
L: out for a bit
Pam: ok don't be back to late
L: ok
Logan walks out the door
He gets into the car

Chloe is sitting on the bed
Chloe POV: he probably went to go sit on the couch or to edit
Chloe stands up and walks out the door and down the stairs
Chloe POV: where is he?
Pam: hey Chloe
C: hey where did logan go?
Pam: he went out somewhere
C: oh...
Chloe POV: really... come on.. again..
Chloe sits down on the couch

Logan pulls up into the driveway
and gets out of the car
* incoming call from Chloe❤️*
Logan POV:  no..
Call denied.
He walks up to the front door
He knocks on the door
Lana: Logan? Hi..
L: hey can we talk?
Lana: yea sure come in ..
Logan walks in ..

They walk down the hallway
L: wow still the same
Lana: yea we haven't changed it
L: yea
Lana: do you want something to drink?
L: sure
Lana grabs Logan a cup of lemonade
and hands it to Logan
L: thanks
Lana: your welcome
L: you got rid of your picture ?
Lana: yea it was hideous I begged my mom to take it down
L: I thought it was pretty
Lana: no
She laughs
L: but now you don't have any pictures of you only on the wall
Lana: I'm fine with that
L: yea
Lana: so what did you need to talk to me about?
L: it's Chloe
Lana: what about her?
L: she's just acting weird and different and she's so stuck to her phone that keeps going off continuously
Lana: oh..
L: she's just being complicated
Lana: talk to her
L: I tried
Lana: try again
L: she's ignoring me kinda I don't know why
Lana: did you do something
L: no but I'm trying to fix whatever it was
Lana: she's probably mad at you and you need to find out why
L: I don't know why
Lana: figure it out
L: how?
Lana: well for starters go to where she is not here
L: right .. I just needed someone to talk to you know?
Lana: yea I know
L: but I'm sorry for bothering you
Lana: not it's fine .. I'm always here for you if you need me ..
* runs her fingers through Logans hair*
L: thanks..
Lana: no problem now go and get her
L: your right
They walk back to the front door
Lana opens the door
Logans steps out
Lana: bye good luck
L: bye thanks again
Logan leaves and heads back to the house
This is all for today
Thanks for reading😊

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