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Lydia sits down on the couch
Lydia: I think you should talk to Judy
Brendan: I've tried
Lydia: why don't we talk to her then

Lydia POV: What am I saying?

Brendan: Me and you?
Lydia: well if she won't listen to you maybe she'll listen to two people
Brendan: I guess that might work

Lydia POV: Should I tell him about me going to his house wanting to talk...

Lydia: I can drive you home
Brendan: do you think she's still there
Lydia: maybe but she probably left already

Olivia: Evan just called me
He wants me to go to the club
Lana: that's perfect go and find Chloe
Olivia: do you really wanna go through with this?
Lana: yes
Olivia: why do you wanna do this..
Lana: no more questions just go.

L: It's getting late
C: it's only 10
L: you have to be on set tomorrow right?
C: yea
L: I think I still need to edit and—
C: Logan you could just say you want to leave don't make excuses
L: sorry
C: it's fine if you want to leave let's go
L: ok I'm gonna go to the bathroom first
C: ok I'll be here

Chloe POV: Logan stands up and walks away
* Ring Ring *
his phone is going off...
I'm his girlfriend I can look who is calling him
I pick up the phone and look at the name
Lana .
Why is she calling him
I ignore it and set the phone back down on the table where it was
* Text*
Now he has a text...what if it's Lana again.
I look at the screen

Lana: don't bring Chloe

Chloe POV: What?
What does she mean by that
Was he gonna go see her...
Someone walks up to the table
thinking it was Logan I quickly place the phone down

Evan: where did Logan go? 
C: phew it's just you
Evan laughs
C: he went to the bathroom

Chloe POV: He is going to go see Lana but when?

Olivia walks up to them
Olivia: hi guys
C: oh hey Olivia
Evan: you're finally here
Olivia: sorry I took forever
Evan: it's fine
Olivia: can I sit ?
C: yea sure
Olivia sits down

Logan walks up to them
L: oh hey Olivia
Olivia: hey Logan

Olivia POV: What's he still doing here?

Logan POV: I sit back down next to Chloe and check my phone
Lana is right I can't bring Chloe
Chloe doesn't like Lana

L: ok
Lana: are you here yet
L: no but I'm on my way

L: if you want you can stay here with Olivia and Evan

Chloe POV: why? So you can go visit Lana

C: I thought you wanted to leave
L: but you want to stay so I don't wanna force you to go with me
C: ok

Olivia POV: I have to make sure he goes alone.

Olivia: let's have fun tonight Chloe
L: you can stay with Olivia
Evan: and me
L: and Evan
They're dope people
C: fine
L: ok I'm gonna go
C: ok bye
L: bye love you
Logan kisses Chloe on the cheek then walks away

Logan POV: I walk out the exit and get into the Yeti and drive to the Team 10 house

Chloe POV: hmmm

Olivia: something wrong?
C: no it's fine
Evan: Why did he leave though
C: he said he still has stuff to do
Evan: oh

Olivia: call me
Lana: ok

* Ring Ring*
Olivia's phone is going off
Olivia: I'm gonna take this
Olivia gets up and walks away

Lana: how is it going?
Olivia: Chloe is here with me for now and Logan is headed to you
Lana: good
Olivia: ok I'm gonna hang up
Olivia hangs up

Chloe POV: It's bugging me thinking that Logan is going to go see Lana and Why couldn't I come
What are they going to do that I can't come.
Ugh shut up head!
Stop overthinking Chloe !

Olivia walks back over to the table
Olivia: oh no Evan I need to go it's an emergency
Evan: what happened?
Olivia: I have to go I'm sorry I'll call you later though bye
Olivia leaves

Evan POV: huh?

Chloe POV: I'm guessing I'm next to leave

C: I'm gonna go home too
I have to be on set early tomorrow but I can take you home
Evan: it's ok I'm staying
C: you're staying ?
Evan: yea
C: but no one is here

Evan POV: The one person I want here already left like an hour ago

Evan: it's fine
C: ok I'm gonna go bye
Evan: bye

Chloe POV: I order a car

Olivia: I'm coming
Lana: ok bring Chloe
Olivia: oh yea..Chloe
Lana: Olivia!
Olivia: just give me time I'll make sure she's there
Lana: ok

Chloe POV: I get into the car and grab my phone out of my purse
Should I call him...
Lana is with Jake
So he is maybe at the Team 10 house or I could call Jake and confirm it...

Driver: where to?

Knock knock
Lana opens the door
Lana: hi Logan
L: hey

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