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Olivia: so what do you think?
C: I'll go
Olivia: ok then get back to me on a date when you can leave
C: I should be free in like 3 days

Knock knock
Logan opens the door
Lydia: why do you have your keys in your hand ?
L: I'm leaving
Lydia: where to?
L: to Chloe's
Lydia: wait what about the stuff you told me to buy
L: just leave it in my room but not near maverick
Lydia: ok
L: ok bye
Logan leaves

C: how many rooms is in the house ?
Olivia: 8
C: oh wow
Olivia: it's a vacation house

Evan walks out of the room
He sees Lydia sitting at the table on her computer
Lydia: hey Evan
Evan: hey..
Evan walks past her and into the kitchen

Lydia POV: Evan doesn't seem to be in a happy mood

Evan POV: She looks pretty

Lydia: has your day been
Evan: good you?
Lydia: it was good I haven't ate all day though
Evan: why?
Lydia: just been busy I guess
Evan: oh
Lydia: yea
Evan: do you wanna go out an eat?
Lydia: sure just let me finish this then we can go
Evan: ok

C: who is all coming
Olivia: me you Logan Evan Brendan Lydia maybe I haven't got a chance to ask and Jake wants to come
Oh and Lana

Chloe POV: Lana.. just that name makes me mad but it isn't my house or my money so I can't choose who's invited..

Olivia: something wrong?
Chloe is lost in thought
Olivia: uh Chloe??
C: huh?
Olivia: are you ok?
C: yea I'm fine
Olivia: oh ok

Knock knock
C: I need to use the bathroom
Olivia: it's ok I'll get it
C: ok thanks
Chloe walks away

Olivia opens the door
Olivia: Logan what are you doing here
L: what are you doing here?

Chloe walks out of the bathroom and over hears Logan's voice

Chloe POV: Crap I totally forgot that me and Logan were gonna go eat together

L: I'm here for Chloe
Is she here?
Olivia: Chloe * Olivia calls*
C: coming! Just uh give me a minute

Chloe POV: I run into my room and change my clothes real quick then I look in the mirror to make sure my hair is ok looking and then put on my heels and grab my purse

Logan POV: Chloe is the friend Olivia went to go see??

Chloe comes walking out
C: I'm here
L: ready?
C: yea let's go
L: wait
C: what?
L: what about * Logan whispers*
C: what about what?
Logan moves his head towards the direction of Olivia

Chloe POV: ohh

C: I'll text you later Olivia
Olivia: ok
C: I need to lock my door
Olivia: oh yea sorry
She laughs
Olivia: I'm gonna go
C: ok
Olivia: bye
C: bye
Olivia leaves

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