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In the car
Chloe is staring out the window in her thoughts

L: you ok?
C: yea..just thinking
L: about what?
C: you..
L: me?
C: You're always there for me even when I tell you to go away or get out of my life or I don't need stay by my side ..why..why do you always stay ?
L: because even though we get into arguments no one can ever be what you are to me
C: all we do is fight everyone tells us that Jake your mom Zac my parents
L: who cares what they think
C: Me I care their are family
L: It matters what we think
how we feel and how we're gonna handle our situations in our own decisions not theirs
C: but aren't you tired of fighting ?
Aren't you tired of me? All I do is push you away
I'm confusing
L: I don't care
I can never get tired of you
I've never been tired of you not when we we're filming valley girl or when you we're dating Austin or when you left
L: Despite all our fighting I want to tell you that I am nothing without you..
C: you can be great things without me you we're doing great before you met me before Valley girl what's the difference now?
L: I know what Love is now
C: what do you mean?
L: It was hard for me..
To be committed to anyone
After Jessica cheated
She broke my heart bad
Justin Bieber bad and that hurt
But after that I thought I'll never fully put myself into a relationship not after that situation
C: I'm sorry..I didn't know..
L: Don't because you were that break through
C: I was?
L: Our first kiss our first date when you finally said we were together
I realized that I wouldn't know what to do if you weren't beside me in my life
C: Is that why you cheated..
L: I was dumb I was hurting I didn't want to be in the same situation that I was in with Jessica
C: trust issues..
L: no I trust you it was more commitment issues
C: your just now telling me this
L: I didn't tell anyone this
I've never told anyone this
I play this happy person who acts silly breaks stuff yells loudly ( which I love Logan ❤️) for my fans
This supporting big brother for Jake
A good son for my parents and for you a boyfriend
C: why are you telling me now ?
If you never told anyone why me?
L: because I know you won't tell anyone and you mean a lot to me
I've never been so close to anyone in my life but with you I feel like I can tell you anything
C: I'm a big sister not brother
But yea I can relate that perfect daughter and how your personality changes from on TV to off...I get it

Logan parks the car
C: wait
L: what?
C: that's my brothers car
L: what's he doing here?
C: I don't know but let's find out
They get out of the car and head up to Chloe's apartment

Guys this book is almost over so
I started thinking about another ship
So comment if you want a Lalissa book Thank you guys for reading 😊

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