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Chloe POV: I arrive home ..
and change my clothes and sit down on the couch holding my phone in my hand
Should I text him..
He seemed interested
Maybe.. idk
I'll do it
C: hey clumsy person
I don't except him to text back though..
Chloe lays down on the couch staring at her phone until her answers I'll just go on social media
Tyler: is this call me Chloe girl ?
C: duh
Tyler: ahah I'm kidding 

Chloe POV: Me and Tyler text until I tell him I have to go which I do I have to go to Braxton's house and help Sonny pick a wedding dress .. ugh
I grab my keys and head out the door

In the car
Tyler: did you die?
C: no sadly not
Tyler: lol I'm kidding I don't want you to die
C: same I don't want to die
Tyler: what are you doing tonight ?
Chloe POV: oh god
C: nothing
Tyler: do you want to go out for some dinner?
C: sure

Chloe POV: I arrive at Braxton's house and walk in I see so many wedding dresses
I sit down in a chair

Sonny: thank you guys for coming

Chloe POV: she goes on an on about how she is thankful
Logan is calling
I step outside

L: hey Chloe
what are you doing tonight?
C: why?
L: Do you want to have dinner with me ?
C: I said I'm still mad
L: I said I'm sorry
C: I said sorry wasn't gonna fix it
L: I said what do you want me to do
C: I said figure it out.
L: I don't know what you want from me Chloe
C: figure it out
L: I can't
C: then I guess forget about it .
Chloe hangs up

Logan POV: why is she so confusing ?!

Chloe POV: finally it's over .. thank you I hug Sonny talk to her for a bit then leave
I get into my car and head home
Tyler said to be at the restaurant by 8 it's 7
I have an hour to go home shower get ready and then get there on time

I arrive home
I walk in take off my heels
Shower real quick
It's 7:25 crap!
After that I do my makeup and then try to choose what I'm gonna wear

Knock knock ..

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