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Chloe POV: I️ get into my car and call

Sonny: hello
C: hey Sonny..
Sonny: Chloe are you ok?
I'm so worried listen Braxton didn't mean any of what he said
C: it's ok I'm fine are you?
Sonny: I know you have a problem with his choices but he has reasons
C: like what?
Sonny: do you wanna grab some food with me ?

Chloe POV: She didn't answer

C: sure
Sonny: ok I'll be over in a little bit ok?
C: ok

Knock knock
Jake: You're here
L: yea
Logan walks in
Lana: Logan I️ didn't know you were here...

Jake POV: awkward..

L: Lana hey..
Olivia: Logan come over here

Logan POV: Olivia??

L: Olivia ? What are you doing here?
Jake: Olivia wants us to go on a vacation
L: what?
Olivia: well actually I was going to invite you so I went to your apartment and found these three idiots in it then Jake told me to just go with him to his house and he'll call you over here
L: what were you doing at my place?
Jake: nothing
L: Jake
Jake: ok we might of did something
Chance: big
Anthony: messy
L: wait where's Evan
Olivia: he drunk a lot so that's also another reason I went to your apartment
L: oh
Olivia: so what do you think?
L: I'm not sure where to though?
Olivia explains about the house her parents bought
L: you already talked to Evan
Olivia: he said he will go
L: side bar
Olivia: wait what?

Olivia POV: side bar??

Logan pulls Olivia's arm over to a corner privately
L: Am I allowed to take someone
Olivia: by someone you mean Chloe don't you?
She smirked
L: yea
Olivia: of course you can I love Chloe she's my friend
L: ok then I'm down to go
Jake walks over
Jake: what we talking about that you two need a side bar
L: it's nothing
Jake: mmh
* squawk*
L: what was that?
Jake: nothing...
Olivia: it sounded like maverick
L: Jake.
Did you take maverick
Jake: no I hate that stupid bird
L: if I go home and he's not there I'm gonna come back here
Jake: I don't have your bird!
L: ok

Olivia POV: I don't believe it

L: I'm headed out then
Olivia: I'll come
L: ok
Jake: wait Logan we still haven't talked
L: oh so you really did need to talk to me
Jake: yea
L: ok what's up
Jake: here come over here
L: ok
They walk into a room and shut the door

Logan POV: This is weird

Jake: Don't get mad but—
L: you took my bird I'm not dumb give him back
Jake: ok fine I have him he's upstairs
L: how did you even manage to get him you're scared of him
Jake: I'm not scared of your bird!
Logan laughs
Jake: but you didn't let me finish
L: ok continue
Jake: Me and Lana are dating
L: what? What about Erika ?
or Jerika or whatever
Jake: Erika was just for the views bro
Now that she has 1m subscribers we don't really need to that much of dating off camera anymore
L: so you and Lana are a thing
Jake: she wanted me to tell you so you didn't have to find out a way that you wouldn't like
L: don't even worry about it I'm fine
Jake: you sure?
L: yea I have Chloe
Plus me and Lana never have been an actual thing
Jake: yea you two were weird
L: yea

Knock knock
Jake: we're almost done
Olivia: I don't mean to interrupt but you're bird just flew downstairs
L: what!

Jake POV: oops the cage door...

Logan opens the door and runs out of the room into the living room
L: no one move !
Jake: calm down Logan we can move just no one open a door or window
Olivia holds out her finger
Maverick flies to her and stands on it

Logan POV: What???

L: he came to you..
Olivia: I forgot to mention I have a pet bird of my own
L: oh
Jake: someone please put him away before he flys at someone
L: scaredy cat Logan mumbles
Jake: what was that?
L: nothing
Olivia laughs
Chance and Anthony come downstairs carrying the cage
They place it on the ground
Olivia puts Maverick in the cage and locks the cage door
L: thank you
Olivia: no problem
Jake: I think you should leave
L: yea bye
Olivia: bye
Olivia and Logan leave

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