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Olivia and Lana are kissing on the couch

Olivia suddenly pulls away

Lana: what's wrong?
Olivia: I...I- told someone about you living here
Lana: what?!
Who did you tell???
Olivia: Zac..
Lana: Chloe's brother?!
How could you!
Olivia: I'm tired of hiding you!
I'm tired of hiding us!
Lana: I trusted you!
Olivia: I just want to be able to tell everyone about my beautiful girlfriend!
Lana: You can't!
Olivia: I know that!
Lana: I can't believe you told
and the fact that it was Chloe's brother just makes it worse!
Olivia: You know Chloe isn't that bad if you would get to know her!
Lana: Oh so now you're on her side.
Olivia: I'm her friend!
Lana: I'm your girlfriend!
Olivia: I wish you all could just get along
I don't want to hide anymore
Lana: We'll we can't
Can't you just face that?!
Olivia: You think I haven't?!
I've accepted the fact.
The fact that Everyone dislikes you!
Lana: So..what??
You're gonna leave me like everyone else...

Lydia: Why would she tell you??
Zac: I'm not sure..
Lydia: Have you two ever shared anything?
Zac: No
Lydia: really?
Zac: yes
Lydia: then what made her come to you out of all people
Zac: what's that suppose to mean?
Lydia: nothing
I'm just saying it's weird
Like Lana plan weird you know?
Zac: Are you saying Lana is back at it again?
Lydia: Possibly..
Zac: After who though?

Lydia POV: There's an us now....

Lydia: No
Why would she?
She doesn't even know about us
Zac: then who?
Lydia: Who do you think?
Zac: Chloe and Logan
Lydia: exactly
We have to tell them
Zac: What? No.
Lydia: why?
Zac: because I said I wouldn't say anything
She trusted me
Lydia: But who's more important your sister or Olivia?
Zac: I don't break promises
Lydia: Zac it's for Chloe
Zac: No I'm not doing it
Lydia: You're being stubborn
Zac: I don't break promises.
Unlike some people

Lydia POV: Excuse me.

Lydia: what?
Zac: I don't break my promises
Lydia: Zac—
Zac: I wouldn't hurt Olivia by breaking our promise
Lydia: Even for Chloe?
Zac: You broke ours for Brendan
Lydia: this isn't about us right now
Zac: no it's not because you never wanted to ever talk about us and now I know why.
Lydia: it was never like that
Zac: It was because you were to busy with Brendan and I was to blind to see that...

Chloe and Logan are standing in front of the front door

L: Well I guess this is goodbye roommate
Even though technically you weren't a roommate

Chloe hugs Logan

C: bye
L: Why does this feel like a scene from a Romantic book or something?
He laughs

Chloe laughs
C: because it kinda is

L: I'm gonna miss you

Logan picks up Kong

L: Kong and I both

Chloe pets Kong

C: I'll miss you Kong

She kisses Kong's head

L: Do I get a kiss?
He smirks

C: You already got one though
L: Fine..

Chloe grabs Logan in for a kiss
They kiss then stop

C: I better go before it gets to late
L: ok
C: bye
L: bye...

Chloe opens the door and leaves

Kong is scratching at the door

Logan walks over and picks him up

L: I know Young Doggie I miss her too

Olivia: thanks for meeting up with me Evan
Evan: no problem
Olivia: Lan—I mean my roommate is aggravating me
Evan: what is she doing?
Olivia: She's not...uh- agreeing with me
Evan: oh
Olivia: yea...
Evan: So why haven't I met her?
Olivia: huh?
Evan: I've been to your place a couple of times and still haven't met her
Olivia: oh she's very busy with work so she's barely home
Evan: oh

Olivia: I could tell Evan about Lana...
Then again I already told Zac..maybe I shouldn't tell Evan
But I trust him..

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