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Chloe walks up to Sonia

C: hey
Sonia: there you are come on I saw a sale on a cute sweater
C: ok

They walk

Sonia: So how are things with Logan?
C: good
Sonia: are you winning?
C: sort of
Sonia: have you even told him what you wanna do?
C: no not until I win then he'll be forced to do it
Sonia: smart idea
C: I know
Chloe smirked

L: Jeff hold this real quick

Logan hands the camera to Jeff

Jeff: uh ok?

Jeff takes the camera
Logan runs off screaming

L: ahhhhhhhh

Jeff: what is he—
Brendan: I don't know
Brendan laughs

Logan walks back over to them

L: Sorry I can't be stuck in a room for that long
I'll go crazy
He laughs

Brendan POV: Where is Lydia?

L: hey Brendan?
Brendan: yea?
L: have you talked to Lydia lately
I texted her but she hasn't answered back yet
Brendan: no I haven't
L: oh ok

Jeff: come on Logan
L: more meetings?
Jeff: yep
L: bye Brendan
Brendan: bye

Lydia POV: Where is my phone?
I look around on the ground
No phone..

* Incoming call from Jake*

L: hello?
Jake: bro!
L: Jake I'm in a meeting right now I'll call you back later
Logan hangs up

C: you know it's actually not that bad like I thought it would be
Sonia: oh really?

Sonia eats a part of her sandwich she ordered

C: yea..he's not that messy there hasn't been any plates thrown on the ground
Sonia: that's good
C: but it still feels weird though
Sonia: how?
C: I don't know..waking up every morning to him
It just doesn't seem normal
Sonia: well obviously you've never lived with him so it won't feel normal until later

L: we need to go to the store
Brendan: why?
L: I gotta grab some stuff
Brendan: ok

In the Yeti
Brendan: what are you grabbing?
L: Chloe sent me a list of things to buy
Brendan: oh what are they?
L: here see for yourself

Logan hands Brendan his phone

Chloe's message: Before you come home can you buy more snacks some makeup wipes a bottle of lotion ( non scented) and some pads or tampons thanks
L: ok sure
C: oh and a bucket of cheese balls too

Brendan: ok wow do you even know what kind to get for—
L: no I don't
So help me out bro
Brendan: I don't know myself
L: man I wish Lydia was here

Brendan POV: She isn't answering her question phone
She wasn't at her house
Where is Lydia?

L: I guess I'm gonna have to wing it
Brendan: I guess so

Logan hits the steering wheel

L: how am I suppose to even know this bro! Like what if I buy the wrong thing she's gonna be mad bro like why bro why me bro?!
I don't even know what to buy for this I'm a guy what if I buy the wrong kind she will get mad at me or worse she'll—
Brendan: Uh Logan?
L: yea?
Brendan: Can you actually drop me off somewhere
L: you're leaving me?
Brendan: I'll be back later
L: where at?
Brendan: Judy's house

Logan POV: Judy?

L: you're going to Judy's?
Brendan: yea she wants to hang out for a bit
L: smashing?
Brendan: I don't know
L: oh
Brendan: yea..
L: I can drop you off at her place
Brendan: ok

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