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Logan POV: I️ get into my car and drive to Chloes

C: can you bring some chocolate with you
L: what kind?
C: surprise me
L: ok

Logan POV: I turn the car around and head to the convenient store

I walk into the entrance and before I️ know it I'm just standing there in the candy aisle staring at the different types of chocolate ... man which one would she like .. this is gonna take a while

Incoming call from Evan
L: yo
Evan: where are you?
L: I went out to the store
Evan: I thought you wanted sleep
* Evans mocks *

Logan POV: I️ did
I'm so tired

L: I did want sleep
Evan: don't forget about—
L: Olivia I know I know
Evan: ok
L: Do you need anything while I'm already here
Evan: no I'm fine
L: sure?
Evan: yea I'm good
L: ok I gtg
Evan: ok
Logan hangs up

Logan POV: I finally choose one pay and then leave
I'm in my car and I head to Chloe's

Knock knock
Evan opens the door
Evan: oh hey Lydia
Lydia: hey
Evan: weren't you suppose to come at 1:30 I️ thought Logan gave you the morning off
Lydia: I forgot my laptop here
Evan: oh
Lydia walks over to the table and grabs her laptop
Logans room door is open and as she walks back to the living room she sees Logan isn't there
Lydia: where's Logan?
Evan: he went to the store
Lydia: oh wow that's surprising usually I go shopping for you guys
Evan: yea
Lydia: well I'm gonna head out but I'll be back later bye
Evan: bye
Lydia leaves

Logan POV: I'm in the hallway walking to Chloe's door when ..

*Text from Evan *
Evan: We ran out of milk can you get some

Logan POV: Bro I asked you if you needed anything

L: sure
Evan: thanks

Logan POV: Do I go ahead and see Chloe or go get Evans milk real quick and oh shit what time is it !
*Logan checks his phone *
It's already 8:00
Damn it !
I turn around and head back to the elevators but then I start thinking
What about Chloe what about the surprise but I told Evan I would pick up Olivia...

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