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Logan fell asleep on the couch

Chloe is beside him

Chloe POV: He works to hard

She covers him with a blanket and bends down to kiss his forehead then walks away

Sonia: Don't think I'm not mad still
C: I'm sorry
Sonia: sorry is not gonna cut it

Chloe POV: Why

*Ring Ring*

Chloe answers it

C: What do you want Zac?
Zac: Chloe quick come home!
C: Why what happened?!
Zac: It's an emergency come home!
C: what?!
Zac: Just hurry!
C: ok I'll be there!

Chloe hangs up and grabs her purse and heads for the door

She stops suddenly and grabs a piece of paper from her purse and starts to write

She walks over to Logan's table and places it down then leaves

Lana: I will I will
Olivia: you better not forget to say it's from me also
Lana: I won't
Olivia: and don't do anything I will literally kill you
Lana: uh huh
Olivia: bye love you
Lana: love you too
Olivia hangs up

Chloe starts the car and drives off

Lana parks her car and gets out

Erika walks into Jakes bedroom

Erika: Jake
Jake: yes??
Erika: Apollo peed like a ton
How is that even possible?!
Jake: I don't know
Erika: well go clean it
Jake: I'm editing the—

Erika glares at Jake

Jake: I'll go...
Erika: that's better
She smirks

Chloe opens the front door

C: I'm here!
What's wrong?!

Zac: it's Arthur he doesn't look to good

*Knock Knock*

Logan is dreaming

Logan POV:
L: I did it!
I became the greatest entertainer in the world!
Newsreporter: Mr. Paul
May we have a word please?
L: of course
Newsreporter: How does it feel to win a —
* Knock Knock*
L: I'm sorry what?
Newsreporter: I said how does it feel to win a—
*Knock Knock*
What is that noise?

Logan opens his eyes slightly

Lana: Logan!
Open the dang door!

Logan sits up

Logan POV: Lana??

He walks towards the door then stops and looks around

Logan POV: Wait where is Chloe??

C: come on hurry!
Zac: I'm coming!
C: Grab Arthur!

He opens the door

Lana: It's about time!
L: sorry I was sleeping
Lana: at this time??

Lana walks in past him

L: uh yea
Lana: Sleeping on your birthday wow
Logan laughs
L: uh what are you doing here?
Lana: why else would I be here?
L: to—
Lana: yep for your birthday

Lana holds out the gift bag

Lana: happy birthday

Logan grabs it

L: thanks Lana
Lana: it's from me and Olivia
L: tell her thanks for me?
Lana: of course

In Chloe's car

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