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Evan walks out of the room and sees Logan sitting on the couch

Evan: wow
L: you were still here?
Evan: I never left
He laughs
L: oh
Evan: well Chloe hates you
L: you think so?
Evan: I heard everything
L: everything?
Evan: yes everything and what I've been getting from all that just happened is that you had sex with Lana
L: what?!
Evan: So you didn't?
L: no I didn't
Evan: Then tell Chloe that
L: I did she won't believe me
Evan: wait
L: what?
Evan: If you didn't smash Lana then what did you two do?
L: we...
Evan: Logan what did you do?
L: I did not have sex with her.
I swear
Evan: then what did you do?
L: I kissed her!
Evan: what?
L: I don't know
I was caught up in the moment
After me and Chloe argued and she left
I went to meet up with Lana
We didn't do anything other than me kissing her but I pulled away as soon as I realized what I was doing.
Evan: you lied?
You knew she was still here?
L: yea but I didn't know she was dating Olivia
Evan: Logan.
L: I know I know
But technically me and Chloe weren't together so it's not cheating
Evan: still you kissed her?
L: I was caught up in the moment
Evan: oh so just like how you were caught up in the moment with Ayla
L: hey!
Evan: I'm just saying...that you use that excuse a lot
L: Ayla was my girlfriend
Evan: "Girlfriend"
Evan does hand quotes

L: She was too!

Evan: The only reason you freaking dated Ayla was because you got injured!
Think about it logan!
Who has always been there for you?!
Who always stays by your side even though you get " caught up in the moment" with other people.
L: You?
Evan: Are you serious right now?

Logan laughs

L: I'm just playing with you I know who your talking about
Evan: who?
L: Brendan

Evan hits Logan in the leg

L: ow I'm just playing
It's Chloe
I know ok
Evan: then tell her that for heaven sakes
Please stop breaking up
L: We don't break up we just have issues and take a break
Evan: you break up.
" taking a break" to you is a break but to normal couples it's breaking up
L: We are a Normal couple
Evan: yea totally a Youtuber and Actress such a normal everyday couple.

Logan laughs

Evan: Just go apologize tell her the truth and be happy
That's all I want for you two for you guys to be happy
L: ok
Evan: go.
L: right now?
Evan: yes right now
L: but I have to edit the—
Evan: this is exactly what Chloe is talking about
L: what?
Evan: Chloe.
Your vlog.
What means more to you Logan??

Logan is quiet while he is thinking

Evan: I'll let you decide that

Evan walks away

L: what about the logang?
Evan: edit after Chloe?
I don't know that's your decision
L: but I haven't missed a vlog ever
Evan: just- figure it out
L: but—

Evan walks into his room closing the door behind him

Logan POV: If I don't get the vlog posted I let my fans down
If I don't apologize I let my girlfriend down...

Chloe is getting out of her car

C: I know Sonia
You told me so..
Sonia: You and Logan aren't just meant to be
Maybe you should take a break
I'm going to Seattle wanna come?
C: Seattle??
Sonia: yea I'm gonna go visit my family and—

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