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L: Chloe slow down
C: no
Chloe walks towards the car
C: unlock the car
L: ok ok
Chloe gets in the car
Logan does too
L: what's wrong?
C: what's wrong? Is what is Zac trying to do!
L: I don't know
C: now my mom and dad expect us to go to the wedding together
L: and?
C: and your gonna have to meet my family and there gonna question us and ugh..
L: it's ok
C: I know it's ok but it's not alright
L: what?
C: I just wanna go home
L: ok I'll drive you home then
Logan starts the car
C: this is already hard enough and now it's even harder
L: then let's not make it hard
C: I'm gonna kill Zac no I'm gonna stab him to death yea stab him to death
L: ok hold on there let's not kill anyone
C: he did this
L: but maybe it was for the best
C: the best? Now we have to go to the wedding
L: that's not that bad
Chloe POV: no he doesn't understand what if I catch the bouquet or worse Sonny was right !
L: you need a dress and I need a tux so do you want to go shopping?
C: sure
L: ok tomorrow then?
C: yea
Chloe POV: maybe this is just the universes way of telling me that Logan might be that meant to be guy like Sonny said. Wait what the hell am I saying? Am I really believing this stuff?

They arrive in Chloe's parking lot
L: well we're here...
C: yea..
L: I'll see you tomorrow then...
C: yea..
L: ok..
Chloe POV: I feel.. well honestly I don't know how I feel..
C: Do you wanna come up for something to drink?
L: uh sure
They get out of the car and head up to Chloe's apartment
This is all for today
Thanks for reading

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