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Chloe's POV: I'm in the car driving home after having coffee with Sonia
I️ keep thinking back to that question she asked
" So how are you and Logan doing? "
I️ said we were good ..but are we?
Are we really...
As I'm turning into the turn to my apartment complex
My phone goes off
It's Sonia
I️ answer it

C: hello?
Sonia: do you know where Logan is right now?
C: no..why?
Sonia: well I️ do and I️ just saw him walking up to his apartment with a girl

Chloe POV: what? A girl? Who?... Lana.. he said he was gonna go to the party with her.. this is the trust test
I'm gonna call him..

Sonia: hello? You still there? Chloe?
C: oh.. uh.. sorry I️ was just —
Sonia: get ahold of yourself and call him and check him ok?
C: ok I will..
Sonia: I got to go call me later though bye
C: bye...
Sonia hangs up

Chloe calls Logan ...

L: hey Chlo
C: hey...Wyd?
L: I'm at home editing
C: you're still editing?
L: yea
C: you didn't go to that party?
L: no I️ did I️ just got home

Chloe POV: Ok so far so good that was true

C: just you?

Chloe POV: don't lie to me...please don't lie to me... please...

L: yea just me why?

Chloe POV: I️ knew it... why would I️ even try to think otherwise... he lied to me...

C: come over
L: right now?
C: why? You can't?

Chloe POV: what to busy with Lana...

L: no I️ can but I️ mean I️ have to edit

Chloe POV: do you really?

C: you don't want to come over?
L: no I️ do but I️ have to edit

Chloe POV: stop lying to me...

C: I️ get it
L: I️ just made you sad didn't I️?

Chloe POV: trust me more than just sad you broke me... I'm broken... I'm completely shattered...

C: no....
L: I'll be over

Chloe POV: what you're gonna ditch Lana?

C: ok see you soon
Chloe hangs up

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