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Chloe knocks on the door

Chloe POV: Let me call him

Logan is on his bed cuddled up with Kong

L: goodnight young doggie

*Ring Ring*

Logan POV: Are you kidding me?!
I just closed my eyes

He picks up the phone and looks at the contact name

Logan POV: Chloe!

He answers it

L: hello?
C: hey I'm sorry I'm late something happened
L: you're here?
C: yea
L: ok I'm coming
C: ok

Logan hangs up and opens the bedroom door walking out to the living room then towards the front door

He opens the door

C: hey
L: hey...
C: Am I too late?
L: no come in
C: ok

Chloe walks in

C: So..Why did you want me to come over?

Logan POV: I already put it up
Damn it

L: I was gonna have a surprise for you
C: You were?
L: yea but I had stuff to do and got busy so I put it up sorry
C: it's fine

Logan POV: I screwed up again.
I should of just waited a little longer

C: welp I'm gonna go then
L: you are?
C: yea you said you're busy and I don't want to distract you so I'm gonna go
L: wait
C: yea?
L: I'm not that busy anymore

Chloe POV: "Logan isn't into committed relationships he just wants to play"

I should test this..

C: you're not?
L: I mean..I have time
If you maybe want to do something

Chloe POV: I'm not gonna listen to Lana.

C: sure
L: ok let me grab a jacket then we can go
C: ok

Logan walks away

Logan's phone goes off

Chloe is walking in a straight line back and forth in her high heels

Chloe POV: Looking at his phone means I don't trust him like Lana said and I do trust him so I won't look.

Logan's phone stops ringing

Logan walks out of the bedroom closing the door behind him

He grabs his phone off of his desk and walks towards Chloe

L: ready?
C: yea

He looks at his phone then puts it in his pocket

C: who called you?
L: Jake I don't know what he wants now
C: oh..

Chloe POV: See nothing to worry about Lana.

C: Shouldn't you call back it could be an emergency
L: no it's fine it can wait
C: you sure?
L: yea

Chloe POV: Why won't he call him?

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