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Evan: hey..
Lydia: what are you doing here?
Evan: do you wanna go out with me?

Lydia POV: Wait what?

Evan: to eat ! to eat I mean!

Brendan and Lydia look at him weird because he just yelled
* Evan clears his throat *

Evan: I mean do you wanna go out an eat with me..
Lydia: I—
Brendan: sure

Lydia POV: What?

Brendan: where at?

Evan POV: I meant only Lydia

Evan: we could go eat pizza?
Brendan: sounds good

Lydia POV: I didn't even get to answer

Brendan: let's go eat Lydia
Lydia: well...
Evan: have you already ate?
Lydia: no but—
Brendan: we'll wait for you
Lydia: uh...ok just let me change real quick then...
Brendan and Evan: ok

Waiter: here is your credit card back sir
L: thank you
Waiter walks away

Lana: so where to next?
L: I need to finish editing so I'll drop you off at the team 10 house
Lana: I don't wanna go there
L: what?
Lana: Jake is there and he is with Erika do you want me to be a third wheel?
L: he's your boyfriend
Lana: not anymore I'm breaking up with him to be with—I mean I don't want that type of boyfriend
L: fine but where do you wanna go then since you don't wanna go to your house
Lana: just let me come with you
I won't bother you you can edit all you want when I'll just play with Kong

Sonia: what a bitch
C: no kidding and she won't stop saying it
Stay away from Logan
Stop ruining everything blah blah
Chloe mocks

Sonia laughs
Sonia: seems she is a little worried
C: yea I agree
Sonia: speaking of Logan
C: what about him?
Sonia: have you talked to him lately?
C: no

Chloe POV: He doesn't even wanna talk so why should I.

Sonia: have you talked to Noah?
C: a little
Sonia: are you two dating now?
C: yea sorta
Sonia: sorta?
Do you even wanna be with him?

Chloe POV: Noah was an unexpected choice I made

C: I don't know
Sonia: Chloe
C: what?
Sonia: don't play with his feelings
We both know you know how that feels and it doesn't feel good so don't do it to someone else
C: I'm not
Sonia gives her that " oh really" look
C: I'm not ok.
I won't do that to him
Sonia: ok whatever you say

Knock knock
Zac opens the door
Olivia: you're not Chloe?
Zac: She went out
Olivia: oh
Zac: Who are you?
Olivia: oh sorry I'm Olivia
I'm a friend of Chloe's
Zac: oh hi nice to meet you
Olivia: you too
Zac: I'm Zac by the way

Olivia POV: Zac as in Chloe's brother?
As in Lydia's boyfriend?

Olivia: you're Lydia's boyfriend?
Zac: yes well technically I was her boyfriend

Olivia POV: So Lana did spilt them up and I helped... I broke up another couple.. ugh I feel terrible
Maybe I should try and get these two back together as well

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