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The next day
It's 11:00 am
Chloe POV: I have to go to Braxton's to help him set up wedding plans.. ugh.. well at least 2 out of 3 of us kids are in a happy relationship.. speaking of Logan.. he still hasn't called me .. it's not like I didn't already know he would forget.
I get into my car and just realized I will have to speak to family members ugh I don't want to do that either..

Lydia: Logan wake up !
L: huh?
Lydia: your late for your doctors appointment
L: oh yea
Lydia: yea get ready let's go!
L: ok ok

Chloe POV: I arrive at Braxton's and get out of the car and I get up enough mental strength to open the front door and walk in
Cousin: Chloe!
* hugs Chloe*
C: I'm not a hugger
Cousin: huh?
Zac walks up behind Chloe
Zac: she means hug her tightly
C: Zac * said mad*
Cousin: I missed you how have you been? Do you have a boyfriend yet?
How's acting? Are you still dating that one guy?
Chloe POV: this is why I hate these things.. I hate these questions all these flipping questions. I don't even remember what she asked.
Zac: she's dating —
C: I'm not dating anyone .
Cousin: oh what happened to that director ?
C: we broke up
Cousin: oh I'm sorry
C: it's fine ..
Braxton: can I have everyone gather around?
I'm very happy to be planning this wedding to marry the woman I love and thank you friends and family for coming here today
Chloe POV: I stood there through his speech then everyone started mingling again.. I escape to the backyard
Zac: Chloe?
C: ah gosh Zac don't scare me like that!
Zac: you know people bring dates to weddings
C: yea
Zac: so who are you bringing?
C: me myself and I
Zac: I say you should bring Logan
C: were not together
Zac: then bring him as a friend
Chloe POV: he hasn't even called me today and you think I'll bring him to my brothers wedding.
C: I'll think about it .
Zac: ok
Zac walks away

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