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C: This is dumb

Logan is scrolling on his phone

Chloe snatches the phone away from him

C: I'm so done being here
Can we leave?
L: No we have to watch them
C: I already told you it's not cheating
L: Honey we have to make sure

Chloe POV: Honey???

C: Nothing is going to happen
L: Brendan is our best friend Chlo
C: I know he is but trust me when I say nothing is going to happen

Logan looks at Lydia and Zac then back at Chloe

C: I'm leaving.

Chloe grabs her purse and walks away

Logan walks after her

She walks through the exit

L: where are you going?
C: home
L: I drove you here
C: I'll get an Uber!
L: Chloe wait
C: what?
L: I wanted to spend more time with you
C: this is what all that was about?!
L: it was about both...
C: If you wanted more time with me you could of just said so
L: well in the car you said that you needed to be at set early tomorrow morning and right after dinner you needed to go home
C: so you made up stuff to make me stay longer?
L: kind of
C: I would've stayed longer if you would of asked
L: I didn't want it to be one of those I'm more important than your job situations
C: How do you think I feel?
You vlog everyday and now that you've taken a break
I'm being targeted!
Your fans hate me!
L: your fans hate me!
C: I've asked you once
What's more important to you
Me or vlogging
Do you have an answer yet?

Logan POV: Why can't I just have both...

C: I thought so...

Chloe walks away

Zac and Lydia walk out the exit and see Logan standing there

Zac POV: Oh no what happened now?

Lydia: hey Logan
L: oh hey guys
Zac: Where'd Chloe go?
L: home
Zac: oh...

Zac POV: I'll talk to her

Lydia: uh...Do you need a ride home?
L: no I'm fine
I'll see you guys later

Logan walks away

Lydia POV: He sounds upset...

Zac: Wonder what happened this time
Lydia: me too...
Lydia: I change my mind maybe we shouldn't be Chloe and Logan
Zac: Yea...

Chloe is sitting in the Uber

*Incoming Call from Logan*

Chloe POV: No.


*Incoming Call from Sonia*

C: hello?
Sonia: Hey what time are you gonna be home from your date with Logan
There's a surprise waiting for you

Chloe POV: A surprise??

C: I'll be home in a little bit
Sonia: woah what's with that attitude?
What happened?
C: It's a long story.
Sonia: we can talk about it if you want
C: that'd be great
Sonia: ok talk later then
C: ok
Sonia: bye
C: bye
Sonia hangs up

Logan walks through the front door slamming the door behind him

Evan: Woah easy on the door

Evan says from the couch
He's watching Family Guy

Logan walks straight towards his room

Evan: I'm guessing your date didn't go well
L: you guessed right
Evan: what happened
L: Evan?
Evan: Yea?
L: Have you noticed that mine and Chloe's fans don't like each other?
Evan: Yea
L: Why though?
Evan: I don't know don't ask me
L: I love vlogging
Evan: I know that
L: I love the logang
Evan: what are you trying to say bro?
L: that I love Chloe too
But I can't have them all
Evan: Well duh
You can't expect to vlog the whole day and try to have time with Chloe at the same time
L: I need to find a way to make it work
Evan: and how will you do that?
You can't put her in the vlogs
L: I'll figure out a way

Chloe opens the front door

C: I'm here

Sonny: Chloe!
C: Sonny???

Sonny hugs her then let's go

C: Oh my god what are you doing here?
Sonny: I'm here because I need to tell you something
C: what is it?
Sonny: I'm pregnant
C: what?!
Sonny: You're gonna be an aunt!
C: oh my god!
Sonny: I'm naming her Sophie
C: wait her???
It's a girl?
Sonny: well I technically don't know the gender yet..but if it's a girl then that will be her name
C: I love it
It's adorable
Sonny: Braxton picked it
C: wow you're gonna a mom...
Sonny: yea
Sonny says smiling
C: congratulations
Sonny: thanks sis

Sonny hugs Chloe again

Chloe POV: Wow...

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