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L: see ya bro
Brendan: bye I'll be over later
L: ok
Logan drives away

Brendan: I make sure Logan leaves so I can be on my way
I'm not hanging out with Judy
I'm gonna go to Lydia's again

Lydia POV: Ow my stomach hurts so bad I haven't eaten anything

The door opens..

Henry: want some?

Henry holds out a plate of food

Lydia POV: Yes.

Henry: you sound hungry
He smirks

Lydia POV: Wait it could be poisonous

Lydia: says who?

* Lydia's stomach growls*

Henry: says you
Here eat some

Henry goes behind Lydia making her nervous but then he unties her hands

Lydia POV: My hands are free!!

Henry: just because I untied your hands doesn't mean you can escape

Lydia POV: We'll see about that.

Henry: here is a spoon and a fork enjoy

Lydia POV: Where does he always go?

Henry leaves and locks the door behind him

Chloe is sitting on the couch eating cereal
C: oh come on Jane seriously?!
( Jane the Virgin)
I swear why can't she see the truth?!
Arthur she is not making the right decision

Arthur stares blankly at her

C: isn't that right kong
She said as she pets Kong's Head

Logan walks through the door

Chloe POV: Look who is home

Chloe walks towards Logan

L: sorry I had some other stuff I needed to do
C: that's fine

Chloe opens the grocery bag and looks through it

L: man today has been a long day
I had so many meetings to go to
C: um did you get the cheese balls?

Logan POV: I knew I forgot something..dang it

L: uhh..
C: you forgot them didn't you?
L: yea..but—
C: forget it I'll go get it myself

Chloe walks away

L: Chlo wait
I still bought other snacks I can get you cheese balls tomorrow
C: I want them now

Chloe POV: I'm craving them..

L: Are you really gonna go to the store at midnight for cheese balls?
C: yes.

Chloe puts on her jacket and walks towards Logan

C: keys
L: why don't I go instead?
C: no.
L: just stay here and relax I'll go get it for you

Logan POV: Hormones??
She does seem oddly angrier at me than usual..
I think it would be best for her to just lay down and do whatever girls do to stop pain while I got get them for her

Chloe POV: He is taking forever!
Just give me THE KEYS

C: Logan just give me the damn keys!
Chloe grabs her stomach

Logan POV: She's having cramps
I wish she would let me go instead

L: are you ok?
C: I'm fine just give me the keys
L: here
C: I'll be back
L: are you sure you don't want me to go instead?
C: yes.
Chloe leaves

Logan POV: It's been 20 minutes?
Where is Chloe?

Chloe is sitting in the car

Chloe POV: Ow it hurts ow
Stupid cramps!

Brendan: Lydia is not here
No matter how much I knock there is no answer
I'm worried now
I call Olivia

Olivia: hello?
Brendan: hey is Lydia with you?
Olivia: no she's not
Brendan: oh..
Olivia: why??
Brendan: I'm looking for her
Olivia: oh did you check her house?
Brendan: yea I already checked
Olivia: I don't really know anywhere else for you to check but if I see her I'll tell you
Brendan: ok thanks Olivia
Olivia: no problem bye
Olivia hangs up

Brendan POV: I need to find Lydia

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