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The next day

Chloe POV: It's 7:30 in the morning
Oh crap I'm late!
Stupid alarm!
I was suppose to be there at 8 but now I barely have time to at least look ok
I get out of bed and change my clothes and fix my hair real quick
I don't have enough time to eat breakfast so I guess I'm skipping

Logan POV: I'm asleep then I hear a voice outside my door
I sit up and turn on the room light and walks towards the door
* bark bark*
I hear Kong barking outside in the kitchen
I open the door

L: oh it's just you
Lydia: sorry to wake you
L: it's fine
Lydia: I need to use some of Kong's information to make him something
Do you have anything?
L: so like adoption papers?
Lydia: I guess
L: I don't have that I bought Kong with money
Lydia: any papers over Kong I need them
L: ok let me see what I can find

Chloe POV: I walk in to the trailer

Co star: Ah Chloe !
She runs up to Chloe hugging her
C: Melissa!
Chloe hugs back
Melissa: season 5 you ready?
C: ready as I'll always be
Melissa: so how's life
C: pretty decent you?
Melissa: same
She laughs

It's now 1:00

Chloe POV: We broke for lunch late
But I'm not complaining I just need food
I walks out of the stage room and go to the lunch table they have setup outside

Logan: ok Logang!
That is the vlog !
Make sure to get the hottest merch in the game or link in description
Like seriously who's doing it?!
Anyways take it easy fam!

Brendan: ok we're good
Brendan says as he sets down his camera on the table
L: my voice is almost gone
Evan: it's probably from all that yelling
Lydia: I can get you one of those throat sprays?
L: no I'm good
Lydia: ok
Brendan: Are you guys hungry?
L: kinda
Evan: yes
Brendan: you guys wanna go grab lunch
L: can't bro I have plans
You guys can go though
Evan: Oh I almost forgot Olivia wanted to go eat lunch together sorry guys
Brendan: it's ok
L: why don't you and Lydia go?

Lydia looks up from her laptop and gives Logan a "No I can't do this I'm not ready to choose yet " look

Brendan: how bout it Lydia?
Wanna go?

Lydia POV: can't what if something happens again..

Lydia: sure
Brendan: ok
Evan: what plans Logan?
L: Chloe is on set today so I'm gonna surprise her

Chloe POV: I'm sitting there eating my food

Evan: well I'm gonna go Olivia is waiting
Bye guys
Lydia: bye
Brendan: bye
L: bye bro
Brendan: We should go too or we won't get a table ( to Lydia)
Lydia: just let me finish this up then we can go
Brendan: ok

Noah: you're on set?
C: no we broke for lunch
Noah: oh
C: yep I'm sitting alone eating by myself like usual
Noah: where is your set
I'll come visit

Brendan: ready to go?
Lydia: yea just give me a minute to gather my things
Brendan: ok

Logan is sitting at his desk
Lydia walks over to him

Lydia: Logan
L: huh?
Lydia: are you planning to tell Chloe what happened with Lana?
L: maybe
Lydia: Logan
L: hey don't look at me like that have you told Zac yet ?
Lydia is quiet
L: see?
Lydia: ok fine I haven't told him
L: I haven't told Chloe
Lydia: we should tell them..
L: yea..

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