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Lana: Kong!!

Lana runs to Kong and picks him up and cuddles him

Lana: oh you're such a good boy yes you are yes you are

Logan takes off his jacket and sits down and opens his computer

Lana: look at you
L: what?
Lana: who would of thought this would be your job
L: I know right
But I like it I'm happy it's fun
Lana: you get to make people laugh as your work while others well work
L: hey I don't work
I work hard
Lana: yea yea
L: are you mocking me?
Lana: what if I am?
What are you gonna do about it Mr. Big Youtuber

Lana POV: Getting into Logan's head is so easy

In the car
Lydia is driving

Lydia POV: Why would Evan come to my house?
He never comes to my house?

Brendan POV: Evan came to Lydia's house to ask her to go eat?
Why? Since when does he wanna go eat with her

Zac: oh it's just you
Chloe walks in
C: well yea it's my house
Chloe laughs
Zac: I'm sorry I'm staying here but I just...I don't know
C: hey it's ok you're my brother stay here as long as you need to
Zac: Olivia stopped by
C: oh she did?
Zac: yea she said to text her she needs to talk about something
C: oh ok

Zac puts on his jacket and grabs his car keys

C: where are you going?
Zac: Braxton's wanna come?
C: no.
Zac: Chloe you still haven't talked to him?
C: why should I?
Zac: he is still our brother
C: whatever
Zac: fine have it your way I'm gonna go still
C: ok
Zac: bye
C: bye
Zac leaves

Chloe POV: I sit down on the couch next to Wally and lay back cause I'm so tired
As I'm sitting there I'm looking at my finger with the band aid on it
If he was here right now I would yell at him so hard
You can't bother me so much
then when I wanna talk
you say no?
Like what the hell ?
You can't do that.
That's so confusing
I look over to my left and look at my table without the vase on it that used to be there
He was so sweet..
He cleaned washed dishes then he...

L: come over

Chloe POV: What?
You tell me no then you text come over

C: no.

Chloe POV: How does it feel Logan
I told you No.

L: come on Chlo
C: no

L: I bought snacks just come over

Chloe POV: Is he bribing me with food?

C: are you bribing me with food
L: we'll watch a movie and eat snacks what more could you want?

Chloe POV: Hmm...

C: what kind of snacks
L: come over to find out

Chloe POV: Chloe we really shouldn't...

C: fine I'll be over

Chloe POV: I go into my room to change my clothes

Noah: hey Wyd?

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