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Knock knock

Chloe opens the door

C: ....

Chloe POV: He's holding a vase of roses

Person: Delivery for Chloe Bennet??

C: ...that's me..

Delivery: sign here please

Chloe's signs her signature

The person hands the vase to Chloe
Chloe grabs it

Person: have a nice day

Person leaves

Chloe closes the door

She lays the vase of roses on her table

Chloe is moving the vase in a circle while looking at it

She notices there's a note in between one of the petals

She grabs the note and reads it

Note: Let's meet in the middle
Come to my place after reading this
I love you

Chloe POV: Hmm...

Arthur walks up to her

C: This is what he does?

Arthur just stares at her

C: I might as well go see what he planned

Logan is clicking his pen over and over again

L: I hope she comes

Kong is in his lap

Knock knock

L: that was quick?

He places Kong down on the floor and walks towards the door

He opens the door

L: oh it's you
Lydia: wow nice to see you too??
L: sorry I'm just expecting—

Lydia walks in

Lydia: Chloe?
L: woah how did you know?
Lydia: it was a guess
L: oh

Lydia sits down in her chair at the table

L: So...not to be rude...but what are you doing here?
Lydia: hiding
L: hiding??
Lydia: Zac is just...
He wants to get back together and I know that but I'm still with Brendan
So I'm gonna stay here for a bit because he wouldn't come here
L: why?
Lydia: Chloe is mad at you
L: wow thanks for the reminder
Lydia: sorry...
L: Just don't cheat
Lydia: I know that
L: Yea people do know about it but they still somehow end up doing it...
Lydia: you mean you?
L: I really screwed up
Lydia: what was it 3 times??
She laughs
L: It doesn't matter
What matters is now
The present
I won't live in the past
Lydia: what about Chloe?
L: What about her?
Lydia: Has she forgot the past?

Logan is quiet

Lydia stands up

Lydia: well I'm gonna go
Have fun with Chloe

She grabs her purse

Logan POV: Chloe isn't living in the past
Is she?..
Wait I'm surprised Lydia didn't ask about the balcony or maybe she didn't even notice it

L: Lydia wait
Lydia: yea?

Logan POV: Forget it...

L: nevermind
Lydia: You sure?
L: yea
Lydia: ok then I'll see you tomorrow

Lydia opens the door and leaves

Chloe is in her car

* Ring Ring*

Chloe picks up her phone

C: hello?
Olivia: Hey Chloe
C: oh hey Olivia
Olivia: Uh—if you're not busy could you come over?
C: uh..

Chloe POV: I'm sure he won't mind

C: yea sure I'll be there in about 5 minutes
Olivia: ok see you then
C: ok
Olivia hangs up

Chloe POV: That was weird she didn't even tell me why..

Chloe turns her car around

Logan is staring at his phone
He is biting his nails like he does when he's very focused or nervous

L: No call.
No text.
No sight of her.
Where could this girl be Kong??

Kong just stares at him

* Sound of keys in the door*

Logan POV: Chloe!

He walks quickly to the front door

Evan walks in closing the door behind him

Evan: Were you waiting for me??

Logan POV: Where is she?...

L: oh you're home
Evan: yea
L: Have fun at the gym?
Evan: yea
L: Did you even workout you're not even sweating?
Evan: I did

Evan walks to the kitchen and notices the balcony

Evan: What did you do to our balcony??
L: I—

Evan slides the door and walks out to the balcony
Logan follows

Evan: Did you do this?
L: yea..
Evan: hold on
You weren't waiting for me
You're waiting for Chloe.
He smirks at Logan
L: yea...I was waiting for her...but not anymore

Logan picks up one of the candles and blows out the flame

Evan: She didn't come?
L: yep
Evan: She's that mad?
L: I guess so..
Evan: That sucks man

Chloe walks up to the apartment door

It's opened slightly

She walks up to it and opens it gently and quietly

C: Olivia??

Olivia: Come in Chloe

Chloe walks in

The door is slammed shut behind her

C: Ah!!
Olivia: Calm down!
C: what are you doing??!
You scared me!
Olivia: I'm making sure you don't leave
C: what??
Olivia: Come out here!

Chloe looks at Olivia with a confused look

Olivia: Chloe..I would like you to meet my girlfriend

Lana walks out of the room and stands in front of Chloe right next to Olivia

Olivia grabs her hand intertwining their hands together

Olivia: Surprise?...
She says in a nervous tone

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