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Lydia POV: I'm running and running through the crowd of people
What did I just do?!
But why did I like it..
As I'm running I bump into someone

Evan: Lydia there you are

Evan POV: She's sweating and she looks like she just saw a ghost or something

Evan: are you ok?
Lydia: yea I'm fine
Evan: did you find Brendan?

Lydia POV: I left him there and just ran..

Lydia: yea I did
Evan: where is he?
Lydia: follow me
Evan: ok

Logan POV: As I'm looking someone calls my name
I turn around

L: Judy?
Judy: hi

Chloe POV: I'm searching through the crowd of people for Brendan and don't find him so I decide to find Logan
I walk around and then spot him talking to a girl
I walk toward them

C: Logan
Judy: Chloe
she says in disgust
Chloe walks over to Logan standing beside him
Judy rolls her eyes
C: what are you doing?
L: did you find him?
Judy: where is he?
L: what?
Judy: Brendan that's why I'm here where is he?
C: we don't know
Judy: really?
L: yea
Judy: he's been ignoring my phone calls and messages
C: I would to * Chloe mumbles*
Judy: what?
C: nothing
L: we've been looking for him
C: I would of thought you took him
Judy: what? Me?
C: well we all know that you're good at taking people places then doing some bitchy stuff to them don't we?

Logan POV: Damn

Judy: maybe if they weren't so idiotic to actually fall for it it wouldn't happen
C: excuse me.
Judy: don't be so stupid enough to fall for it

Logan POV: This fighting isn't gonna help find Brendan.

C: don't be so crazy to do it in the first place
Judy: it's not my fault you don't think before you leap
C: you know what—
L: guys!
Judy and Chloe: what?!
L: we still need to find Brendan
C: oh yea
Judy: I'll help
C: you can't come.
Judy: what.
C: If he doesn't want to answer your phone calls then I'm pretty sure he doesn't wanna see you.
L: Chloe's right there must be a reason he isn't answering you and who knows maybe you're the reason he's hiding
Judy: fine.
Judy walks away

Chloe POV: What a bitch.

Evan and Lydia are in front of the closet Lydia and Brendan were just in

Evan: in here? What is he doing in here?
Lydia: just open it
Evan: ok
Evan opens the door
Lydia looks inside
Lydia: he's not here..he was here

Lydia POV: Where did he go?

* Text*
Brendan: I went home thanks for everything

Lydia POV: What??

Evan: what do we do now?
Lydia: he's fine
Evan: what?
Lydia: he texted me he's going home for the night
Evan: oh ok

Logan runs up to Evan and Lydia

L: did you guys find him?
Lydia: he's fine
Evan: he went home
L: oh
C: that's good then we don't need to worry anymore
Lydia: yea..

Evan POV: Something is wrong with Lydia..

L: drinks anyone?
C: come on let's go sit down
Logan and Chloe walk away

Evan notices Lydia is just standing there
Evan: you coming?
Lydia: you go ahead...

Evan POV: What?

Lydia: I'm gonna head home
Evan: what? why?
Lydia: I'm just tired looking for Brendan really tired me out
Evan: oh ok
Lydia: bye
Evan: bye...
Lydia walks away

Evan POV: She seems sad..

Lydia POV: I walk out the exit and get into my car
How did Brendan get home I drove him here.. I know I shouldn't be worried but I am..
I need to talk to him...

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