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Chloe POV: Argh I can't sleep...

Chloe sits up and stands up and walks out of the bedroom into the living room

She goes into the kitchen and drinks a glass of water

Chloe POV: Why does it have to be now that my brain decides to think about literally everything in the entire universe
Well if you think about him then you think about him Chloe
Wait I technically already thought of him

Zac: Chlo
C: Ah!
Zac: chill it's just me
C: what are you doing awake?
Zac: me and Lydia FaceTimed
C: for 3 hours??
Zac: yea

Chloe POV: Dang

Zac: So what are you doing awake?
C: couldn't sleep
Zac: thinking about—
C: No.
Zac: You don't even know what I was gonna say
C: you were gonna say Logan
Zac: no I wasn't...ok yea I was
C: I'm not thinking about him smart one
Zac: ok

Zac POV: Liar

Zac: Don't you leave for Chicago in 4 hours?
C: yea
Zac: Should I come?
C: no
Zac: Awe Why?
C: I'm going with Sonia it's just me and her
Zac: Fine say hi to mom for me
C: I'm not visiting her
Zac: where are you going then?
C: I'm going to bed that's where I'm going

Chloe walks away

Zac POV: Should I tell logan this???

Chloe is laying in her bed

Chloe POV: I wonder if Logan is awake...
Dang it I'm thinking of him again
Damn you Logan
I'll just clear my mind with something else

Chloe grabs her phone

Chloe POV: It's past 12
It's his birthday....
Should I sent him a text?
Wait no
But it is his birthday...
You're trying to show you're mad
But it's his birthday
Sending him a text would make him think it's ok
But it's his birthday
One text wouldn't hurt..would it?
But I...
I still love him...

Chloe wraps herself with her pillow

Chloe: Argh!
He's so annoying!

Zac is sitting on his bed in his room

Zac POV: Hah!
I knew she was thinking of him!

Chloe unwraps herself and sits up quickly

Chloe POV: Just say happy birthday to him
No emoji
No expression
Just a happy birthday for his birthday

Chloe grabs her phone

She starts to type the words " happy birthday"

Chloe POV: There.

As she is looking at it more
She eventually clicks on her emoji keyboard and clicks the red heart

Chloe POV: That's better

Logan is editing

He's at his desk when his phone rings

He picks up his phone to look at it

He starts to text back

Chloe is petting Wally who is sleeping next to her when her phone goes off

Chloe POV: He replied?
So he is awake

Chloe looks at her phone

Logan: Thanks Chlo❤️

Chloe POV: You're welcome

Chloe puts her phone on the desk

Chloe POV: Now that that is done I really need to sleep or I'm gonna be so tired on the airplane ride tomorrow
Well technically the airplane ride today not tomorrow

Logan is editing when he suddenly picks up his phone again

Logan POV: She didn't answer

He starts to type

Chloe's eyes are closed when her phone goes off again

Chloe POV: What?

She sits up and grabs her phone off the desk

Logan: What are you doing awake?
Chloe: I can't sleep
Logan: oh
Chloe: What about you?
Logan: I'm editing
Chloe: oh
Logan: I'm mad at Evan
Chloe: why?
Logan: Because he's not hanging out with me today
Chloe: He's not?
Logan: nope

Chloe POV: ....

Chloe: What about Brendan?
L: He has plans with Lydia
Chloe: oh

Chloe POV: .....

Chloe: I-uh- gotta go
L: ok
Chloe: bye
L: bye
Chloe hangs up

Logan lays his phone down the desk

Kong walks up to his chair

He picks Kong up

L: Think I went to far buddy?

Kong doesn't say anything

L: yea you're right it's fine
I'll just surprise her tomorrow
I'm gonna miss you Kong

Logan hugs Kong

L: don't worry Lana will take great care of you

Zac and Lydia are talking on FaceTime when suddenly Zac says

Zac: shh
Lydia: what?
Zac: Do you hear that?
Lydia: What?
What is it?
Zac: I hear foot steps
Lydia: it's probably Chloe
Zac: or it's not and it could be a burglar
Lydia: Stop that!
You're scaring me
Zac: I'm gonna go see what it is
Lydia: What?! No!
That's the dumbest thing I've ever—

Zac drops the phone on the bed and walks away

Lydia: Zac!

He opens his bedroom door and peeks out slowly
Then walks out to the living room

*Door being open sound*

Zac turns his sight towards the door to only see a blurry dark figure of Chloe shutting the door behind her

Zac POV: She left?
Where is she going at this time?

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