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It might be confusing so everything in bold is vlog

Chloe POV: I wake up to yelling
I sit up and yawn
I pick up my phone and check the time
It's only been an hour since I laid down in here

L: you guys know I love you
you know (pause)
I say it - Logang for life

Chloe POV: He's vlogging that's why he is so loud at the moment

L: We are absolutely by far the most strongest family on YouTube

Chloe POV: This is exactly what I mean...
I really need to talk to him..

L: I will say though I am not gonna be on YouTube for like the next 7 days or so

Chloe POV: Wait what??

*Ring Ring*
Chloe's phone is going off

L: and we—
Logan stops as the ringing of Chloe's phone is going off
Brendan: a phone is going off *he whispers*
L: I know *logan whispers back*

Chloe answers the call
C: hello?

L: anyways guys I'll still be posting on social media

Sonia: Chloe I need to see you it's urgent
C: why?

L: take it easy fam, peace!
*Shakes his hair in the camera*

Brendan puts down the camera

Brendan: Are you really doing this?
L: yea bro
Brendan: can I ask why?
L: you'll see

C: ok I'll uh I'll meet you there
Sonia: ok
C: ok bye
Sonia: bye
Chloe hangs up

Chloe gets out of bed and fixes her hair in the bathroom mirror
She opens the bedroom door and walks past Logan's desk

L: Chlo
C: I gotta go meet Sonia
*Chloe slips her shoes on*
L: Why in a hurry?
Is something wrong??
C: I'm not sure.. but she says it's urgent
L: oh ok..uh when will you be back?
C: I'm not sure
L: I have news I wanna tell you
C: news??
L: yes
C: what kind of news?
Good or bad?
L: you'll see
He smirks
Chloe raises one eye brow at him
Logan stands up and walks up to her and pecks her cheek
L: it's not bad I promise
He smiles softly
C: ok
Chloe says to ensure Logan that she believes him
C: I'm gonna go
L: ok
C: bye
Chloe walks up to him pecking his cheek before she walks away to leave

4 hours later

*Front door swings open*
Chloe steps in quietly as she catches a glimpse of Logan asleep on the couch

L: Chlo there you are
He says sitting up checking his phone
It's been 4 hours
Why didn't you answer any of my calls?

Chloe sniffles then says
C: I'm sorry..I-I just got c-caught up with some stuff..
Chloe then walks away to the kitchen

Logan's POV: Has she been crying?

Logan stands up and walks to the kitchen

Chloe is washing her hands in the sink when Logan walks up to her

Chloe uses the sleeve of her sweater she's wearing to wipe under her eyes

Logan saw her do it and now is even more worried and concerned

L: Chlo?

Chloe breaths in deeply and says
C: yea?
She says in a normal Chloe voice but at the end of the word her voice started to break a little

Logan POV: She has already been washing her hands for like 2 minutes now

Chloe just lets the tears fall into the sink with the running water from the faucet

Logan reaches over her and turns off the running water

L: Are you ok?
C: yea I'm fine

Logan knowing that she won't look at him because her face has proof that she has been crying
Grabs her shoulders and turns her around to his direction

As they meet eyes a single tear falls from her eyes to the floor then she turns her head

Logan POV: She has been crying..

Logan grabs her into a hug wrapping his arms around her

Chloe overwhelmed with everything just burst into tears suddenly

L: shh it's ok

Chloe in Logan's arms feeling warm and safe made her calm down..and eventually stop crying

C: I'm sorry...
L: for?
C: for annoying you with my crying
L: don't be sorry for that
If you need me then I'm here for you I don't find it annoying

Logan just held Chloe in his arms

L: you can tell me what's wrong...

Chloe POV: Can I...

C: you really wanna know?
L: if you're willing to tell me..then yes

Chloe was cut off by knocking on the front door

Logan pulls away from Chloe

L: I'll be back I'm gonna go get that
He says then walks away to the front door

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