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Chloe POV: I get into my car
* incoming call from Logan*
* call denied*
L: come back I'm sorry
Chloe POV: What kind of boyfriend has a sexual dream of another girl!
* Incoming call from Logan *
C: what.
L: come back I'm sorry
C: no
L: Chloe I can't help I'm a guy
C: that has nothing to do with it
L: yea it does
C: I'm not coming back so just leave and lock the door there's a spare key on top of the fridge
Chloe hangs up

Chloe POV: not all guys have sexual urges or dreams ! especially about the girl he knows his girlfriend hates!

Chloe arrives at the Grove and gets out of the car
She walks into the first store trying to find a dress for the wedding

Chloe POV: well I want to match with what Logan is going to wear but I don't know what he is planning to wear I should of brought him along dang it.

Chloe calls Logan
C: come to the grove I need you
L: now you need me?
C: just come here
L: ok I'll be there
C: ok
Chloe hangs up

Chloe POV: I get some frozen yogurt and sit down in a chair under a shade and wait for Logan

Logan gets into his car and heads to the grove

Chloe POV: as I'm sitting there I pull out my phone and look through Instagram

Someone walks up to me
I look up
Jake: Chloe
C: oh hey Jake
Jake: Wyd here?
C: just waiting for Logan
Jake: is he late?
C: well not exactly
Jake: oh
C: what are you doing here?
Jake: I'm shopping for Erika
C: oh how sweet
Jake: yea but I can't decide what to get her I need a girls opinion
C: I can help
Jake: ok let's go
Chloe stands up and walks with Jake
C: so what do you have in mind?
Jake: I don't know I want it to be special to her
C: ok so let's try this store
They walk into a store

Jake: what about this?
C: no
Jake: this?
C: mmh no
Jake: I give up
C: don't give up tell me what Erika likes
Jake: she likes goats
C: really?
Jake: yes
C: then I would just get her a goat
Jake: no I don't like goats in my house
C: or buy her a goat necklace I don't know 
* text*
C: I have to go meet Logan but keep shopping I'll be back
Jake: ok
Chloe walks out of the store and walks back to the chairs
She walks up to Logan
L: hey
C: come on let's go

They walk
L: where did you just come from?
C: well Jake asked me for help to pick Erika a gift 
L: Jake is here?
C: yea he walked up to me while I was eating
L: speaking of food I'm hungry
C: why didn't you eat
L: well my girlfriend walked out on me this morning so I had to follow her
C: shut up
L: you owe me food
C: oh do I now?
L: yea you do girlfriend
He smirked
C: ok fine lets go get you some food then
They walk into a cafe and buy goods and walk out

Their sitting at a table
L: have you looked at dresses yet?
C: no
L: why not?
C: I needed you here because we are gonna match and I can't buy my dress without you buying what your gonna wear
L: can I just wear merch?
C: no it's a wedding
L: I hate shopping
C: stop complaining
L: I don't wanna go
C: are you done eating yet?
L: yea
C: ok then let's go

Their walking
Logan puts his arm over Chloe
Chloe removes it
C: don't think I'm not mad because I still am
L: I told you I'm sorry
C: sorry isn't gonna fix it
L: what do you want me to do?
C: why don't you figure that out
Chloe walks ahead

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