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Chloe POV: I walk out of the room
I'm just angry he doesn't know what I'm feeling no one does
I'm trying to keep it together I am but I'm breaking . again

Sonny runs up to me
She's worried
Sonny: how am I suppose to get married if Braxton isn't even here!?
C: what? Where is he?
Sonny: He's stuck in traffic
C: don't worry he will um he'll be here just stay calm 
Bethany walks up to us
Bethany: have you guys seen Logan ?
Sonny: no
Bethany: Chloe? Have you?
C: no
Bethany: are you ok? You don't look so good? Maybe you should—

Chloe POV : blah blah blah that's all I'm hearin ..I..I need air

Sonny: wait where are you going??

Chloe POV: I'm walking towards the backyard door
Then ..someone pulls me
He shuts us into the closet
I look up
C: what are you—
Logan puts his hand over Chloe's mouth
L: shhh she's looking for me
Chloe removes his hand
C: hiding from your girlfriend really?
L: she's not my girlfriend
C: she thinks otherwise
L: look I just wanted to talk and with Bethany here and you barely wanting to see me anymore is what it lead to then this is what it resorted too
C: your right I don't want to see you
Chloe tries to open the closet door
Logan blocks it
L: I'm sorry
C: like I haven't heard that already
L: but I mean it
C: heard that already too
L: Chloe I actually mean it I'm sorry for everything
C: so what? Am I just suppose to forgive you now
Let me guess you want us to go back to the way we were
Well guess what we have a different point of views on the way we were
Mine is where I'm at home while your out with Lana all night Doing who knows what. Now what's yours?
L: Chloe you know I didn't mean it when I walked out that night ..I was angry I was mad
C: give me a reason why I should believe that
L: because when you left it hurt me
When you stopped all your contact with me it hurt me
When you show up to a restaurant with another guy it hurt me
C: you think Bethany doesn't hurt me?
L: tell me what you want Chloe..tell me that you still want to be together that that's what you want .. if not then I'll leave I'll stop contacting you I'll stop bothering you I'll stop seeing you
I'll get out of your life like you want me to..
C: fine..I don't want to be together.... ( lie)
L: ok...ok then..well bye Chloe
Logan opens the closet door and leaves

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