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C: Logan I saw you kiss her...

Logan POV: Chloe was there?

C: So don't try to say sorry because it's not ok and it will never be ok again
I have a boyfriend already so don't try to fix this

L: but it needs to be fixed
C: says who
L: me
I say it needs to be fixed
I still love you

Chloe POV: ...I still love you too

C: so?
L: so let me explain what happened that night
C: it all makes sense now the way you wanted to leave the club so bad
The text she sent you
Don't bring Chloe she said and you didn't
You went to go see her secretly thinking I wouldn't find out
Well guess what I did.

L: yes we kissed but—
C: just stop already!
You can't fix this
I don't want you to fix this
I'm finally happy Logan!

Chloe POV: Am I..

L: so you weren't happy with me..
C: if you call being in pain and crying then yes I wasn't so please leave..
L: fine...
C: go...
Logan walks towards the door and leaves

Chloe POV: Stupid!
I'm so stupid!
Stupid Logan!
Stupid Noah!
Stupid life!

Chloe hits her vase off of her table making it fall to the ground and shatter

Chloe POV: Oh no my vase...
I bend down and pick up the pieces
Me being stupid again..I don't use a broom I use my hands

* Sound of the door reopening *
Logan walks in

L: I heard something shatter
C: it's fine you can go just leave...

Logan POV: Just let me help Chloe..
Can I not do that?

C: ow.. my finger

Logan walks over and bends down next to Chloe

L: why are you using your hands?
C: I don't know...

Chloe POV: What's wrong with me..

L: here stand up
Chloe stands up

Logan grabs a piece of paper towel wrapping it around Chloe's finger that is bleeding

L: hold that there while I go and get something
C: what are you—

Logan walks away and goes into the closet pulling out Chloe's broom and starts to sweep up the pieces of glass

C: Logan you don't have to—
L: just stay there
You're are bleeding
Let me do it

Chloe POV: Why is he helping me.. Why hasn't he left already..
Why stay? I tell you to leave and go away but you still stay why...

Zac: thanks for the ride Lana
Lana: no problem
Zac: ok well bye

Lana grabs Zac arm stopping him

Lana: I didn't wanna tell you this because me and Lydia are really close friends but I think no one should go through this...

Zac POV: Where is this going?

Lana: Lydia cheated on you
Zac: what?
Lana: with Brendan they kissed

Zac POV: She's lying.. right?...

Zac: no you're lying
Lana: sorry Zac but it's the truth
Any who I'm gonna go ahead and go now
Zac: ok...

Zac gets out of the car

Lana: bye it was nice meeting you

Lana POV: And that takes care of the Lydia problem.

Lana drives off

Zac POV: Lydia cheated..

Lydia: Olivia I should really get going..
What about Zac? He's still there
Olivia: it's fine
Lydia: what?
Olivia: I asked my friend to pick him up and take him to your apartment
Lydia: oh you didn't have to—
Olivia: after everything you've done for me I wanted to repay you back
Lydia: Awe thanks Olivia
Olivia: you're welcome

Olivia POV: Lydia I have know idea what Lana just did.. but know that I'm sorry...

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