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Logan is on the couch

Chloe walks over and sits down next to him

L: I'm bored
Let's do something
C: what do you have in mind?

Logan leans in

Lydia: Chloe's gone to Logan's?
Zac: yea she's spending the night there
Lydia: oh
Zac: you should come over
Lydia: I wish I could but I have to head downtown for something

Logan and Chloe are kissing

*Knock Knock*

C: who's that?
L: I don't know

Logan continues

Chloe stops

C: go get the door
L: fine

Logan gets up and walks towards the door

He opens it

L: Jake
Jake: Happy birthday!

Anthony and Chance are beside him

L: To what do I owe this visit
Jake: to give you your present
L: it couldn't wait til tonight

Chloe walks over

C: what about tonight?
Jake: You didn't tell her
L: I was going to
C: were you?
L: yes we were doing something so I was gonna tell you after

Anthony: doing something huh?
L: what?
Chance: your front door is not that sound proof

Chloe POV: They heard us...

Jake: Anyways
Back to your present
Anthony hand it to me

Anthony hands him a blue box

Jake holds it out for Logan to grab

Jake: Ta-da

Logan hesitates but then grabs it

L: What is it?
C: why a blue box?
Jake: open it
Anthony: yea open it
Chance: yea
L: ok...

Logan starts to open it but then stops

L: I'll open it later
Jake: no you can't
C: why?
Jake: Thumbnail Clickbait
I need it
L: fine

Logan opens it

L: a Rolex box?
Jake: I'm not good at wrapping and Erika said she wouldn't have time so I just put in the box
L: Is this for real?
C: wow
Jake: it's all yours bro
Anthony: it's a nice watch
Chance: yea
C: put it on

Logan grabs it out of the box and puts it on

L: Thank you Jake
Jake: you're welcome

Chloe POV: Awwww brotherly love

Jake: I gotta head out I have meetings but I'll see you later tonight
C: speaking of that?
What is happening?
Jake: sorry sister in law guys only

Chloe POV: what?

L: Jake.
Jake: what? it's true
L: George and them want to hang out tonight
C: it's ok I get it
As long as I get my time with you I'm fine
Plus I haven't even gave you your birthday present yet
Anthony: ooh
Jake: and that's our cue to leave by bro
Chance: Remember safety
Jake: and that I'm to young to be an uncle
L: yea yea I know
Bye guys

Chloe POV: Huh Zac said the same thing

Logan closes the door

C: Well that was unexpected
L: yea no kidding
He laughs
I thought it was a prank
C: same
It's a very nice gift though
L: yea


Chloe checks her phone

C: Well Sonia is mad at me now..
L: it's fine
She'll get over it

Logan wraps his arms around Chloe and gives her hug

C: I hope you're right
L: Aren't I always?
C: Pshh no

Logan laughs

L: well I'm right about this
C: hope so

Chloe realizes that Logan is hugging her

Chloe POV: Logan is really in the mood right now

Chloe looks up at him

Logan POV: Wow Chloe is beautiful

C: What?
L: When do I get my present?
C: hmmm let me think

Logan POV: Now?

C: later

Logan POV: Later?

C: come on let's watch a movie

Chloe removes Logan's hands and walks away

L: ok

• No there will not be anymore updates today but tomorrow there will be if wattpad would just let me upload chapters.
Anyways I'm sorry for not updating my wattpad is just messed up for some reason idk whats happening also I know this is a short chapter but the next chapter will be longer

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