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Time skip
Logan arrives to LA
He walks outside and meets Lydia
Lydia: how was your trip?
L: it was good I guess
Lydia: where's Chloe?
L: we broke up
Lydia POV: again?
Lydias phone is going off
Lydia: hey
Zac: hey
Lydia: I know you wanted to go to dinner together but I'm pretty busy
Zac: that's fine
Lydia: but maybe we can still go
Zac: ok I gtg I'm pulling into Chloe's parking lot
Lydia: ok
Zac: ok bye
Lydia: bye
Lydia hangs up

Zacs POV: as I'm walking up to Chloe's front door I hear loud music it sounds like the song new rules by Dua Lipa.. I knock on the door and I hear the music slowly become more quiet.. Chloe opens the door.. she is carrying a tub of chocolate ice cream..her hair is messy and she's in shorts and a really baggy t-shirt
Zac: Chloe
C: what are you doing here?
Zac: I'm here to visit
C: come in
Zac walks in
Zac POV: theres a whole bunch of snacks on the living room table and she's watching river dale
Zac: is everything alright—
C: oh come Archie! Really!!
Zac POV: what is happening to my sister?
C: sorry what did you say?
Zac: is everything alright ?
C: yea I'm fine
Chloe POV: am I?..
Zac: ok?? I was gonna ask if you wanted to go eat dinner with me tonight ?
C: I don't want to go out right now.. I just want to be by myself
Zac: come on Chloe please
C: is it just us?
Zac: well Lydia too
C: ok fine I'll go
Zac: ok
C: oh before I forget give me your phone
Zac: uh ok?..
* Zac hands her his phone *
She grabs it
Zac: what are you doing?
C: making myself a new contact I changed my number today
Zac: oh ok
C: there
* Chloe hands the phone back to Zac*
Zac: why did you change your number ?
C: I don't want Logan contacting me..
Zac: why? What happened?
C: a lot of things..ok..just don't ask
Zac POV: she's really hurt by this..well that explains her appearance and all this food and the screaming at the tv..
Zac: ok..well I'm gonna go ahead and leave I'll see you tonight though
C: ok
Zac: bye
C: bye
Zac leaves

Lydia and Logan walk into Logans apartment
Lydia: welcome home
L: it feels good to be back
Lydia: yea
L: but it's missing something
where's kong?
Lydia: Evan
L: oh ok

(Lydia and Zac text)
Lydia: are we going to eat later
Zac: yes I invited Chloe btw
Lydia: that's fine

1 hour later
Knock knock
Lydia: I got it
She opens the door
Lydia: hey
* she hugs Zac*
Zac: I missed you
Lydia: same
They walk in to the living room
Zac: what's up Logan
L: oh hey
Zac: I picked a pasta place to eat at( to Lydia)
Lydia: ok
Zac: so grab your purse and let's go
Lydia: ok.. wait that reminds me do you want me to grab you some dinner for tonight ? ( to Logan)
Zac POV: I have an idea
Zac: why don't logan just come with us
Lydia: can I talk to you?
Lydia pulls him aside
Lydia: what are you doing?!
Zac: just go with it
Lydia: you said Chloe was coming you can't bring Logan they just broke up
Zac: trust me I know what I'm doing
Lydia: are you sure?
Zac: yes don't tell him Chloe is coming
Lydia: ok..
They walk back over to Logan
Zac: so what do you say?
L: I'll come
Zac: sounds good
Lydia: ok let's go then guys before we can't even get a table
They walk out the door and head to Zac's car

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