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Idk about the picture I got bored one day

Waiter: here you go

*Places the last plate of food down*

Waiter: enjoy

Waiter walks away

Olivia: so where are you guys going for a honeymoon
L: Hawaii
Evan: huh again?
C: We haven't decided yet
Olivia: you know what's a very beautiful place to go to..well in my opinion anyways
C: Where?
Olivia: Australia
C: Australia?
L: We can pet a kangaroo
Evan: or get beaten up by one
Evan laughs
Logan not you Chloe
Chloe laughs
C: I know
L: a kangaroo can't touch this
Logan says flexing his muscles

Chloe pulls his arm down

C: eat your food you weirdo
L: you liked it
C: nah
L: yea right
He says smirking
Chloe grabs the fork and picks up a piece of steak and stuffs it in Logan's mouth
C: your steak is getting cold
Logan just smiles at her while chewing

Evan POV: Maybe he is ready

Olivia POV: Aweee how cute

*Ring Ring*
L: hello
Lydia: Where did you guys go?
L: we went out to eat
Lydia: oh
L: yea we'll be back though
Lydia: oh ok
L: ok
Lydia: bye
L: bye
Logan hangs up

Brendan: where are they?
Lydia: they went out to go eat already
Brendan: oh
Lydia: wanna go ahead and go out to eat then
Brendan: uh sure
Lydia: ok

Evan: who was that?
L: Lydia
Olivia: Is she ok?!
L: yea she's fine she was just wondering where we all went
Olivia: oh

Logan POV: Why did Olivia freak out like that??

Evan POV: I feel bad for leaving Lydia alone now...

Chloe places her phone down onto the table

C: Oh darn it I forgot that Zac and I were suppose to go meet up
L: what time?
C: 7
L: it's 6:45
C: I know
L: Where are you guys meeting at?
C: My house
L: here take the car keys
C: what?
L: I'll get an Uber just take the car

Chloe grabs the car keys from Logan's hand

C: ok?

Chloe opens her wallet and pulls out her credit card

L: don't bother I'll pay
C: you sure?
L: yes fiancée just go do what you need to do
C: thanks * short pause* husband?
L: just go we'll work on names
He laughs
Chloe walks up to him and pecks his lips
C: bye

Chloe walks away

Evan: wow
L: what?
Evan: oh nothing
L: come on bro what is it?
Evan: you're maturing

Chloe is walking towards the Yeti when she hears movement from behind her

C: hello??

Chloe POV: I swear if Logan is trying to scare me I'm gonna hurt him

Chloe opens the car door and gets into the Yeti

Chloe POV: I guess it's not Logan
Hmm I must be imaging things again

She starts the car and drives off

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