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Zac: there you guys are
Tyler: Chloe?
Chloe walks up to Tyler and punches him in the face
Tyler: ow geesh I just wanted a hello
Zac: Chloe !
Zac hugs Chloe
C: Zac..
Evan: what are we gonna do with him?
L: Lydia call the police
Lydia: ok
Tyler: wait wait please! I didn't want to give Chloe away I'm just in a crisis
L: Guys??
Evan: I don't know
Lydia: I say we call the police
Zac: Chloe? What do you want?
C: I get it
Lydia: what?
C: listen Tyler we'll let you go but don't come back
Tyler: thank you
C: un tie him
Zac: ok
L: Chlo are you sure?
C: yea
Zac finishes untying Tyler
And drags him to the front door
Zac opens the door
Zac: Get out and leave
Tyler: I will
Tyler leaves

Chloe sits down on the couch
She lays down

L: that was surprising
Lydia: I still think we should of called the police
Zac: relax I'm sure it's fine
Evan: I think the car dealership is still open I'm gonna call them
Evan walks away to his room
Lydia: I'm surprised your parents haven't wondered where Chloe and you went
Zac: we're adults they don't really worry unless needed
Lydia: Chloe got drugged kidnapped and almost killed I think that's pretty needed right there
Zac: ha true
L: I almost forgot I still need to edit
Zac: well me and Lydia are gonna head out
Lydia: yea but I'll be back tomorrow morning
L: ok
Evan walks out of his room
Evan: I'm gonna go talk to the car dealership
L: ok bye guys
They leave

L: well Chloe I guess it's just you and me
Logan walks over towards the couch
She's asleep

Logan POV: I'll let her rest besides after a night like this I need some rest too but first I need to edit and charge my phone

Logan grabs a blanket and puts it over Chloe
He walks away to his desk and plugs in his phone to the charger

2 hours later
Logans phone is going off
Ring ring

Chloe POV: what is that noise I'm
trying to sleep
I open my eyes ..what is that noise
I sit up and look around

L: sorry someone was calling me
C: it's fine
L; you can go back to sleep if you want
C; I'm fine
L: want something to drink?
C: sure
Logan gets out of his chair and walk to the kitchen
C: where are the others?
L: they left
C: Evan?
L: he had business to go to
C: oh..
Logan walks up to Chloe with a cup of lemonade
Chloe grabs it
C: thanks..
L: well..I'll uh be over here if you need anything
C: wait can you um sit for a bit?
L: sure..
Logan sits down next to Chloe
C: let's talk
L: ok
C: I lied
L: about?
C: what I said in the closet earlier I lied I want to be together
L: well that took a while for you to say
C: so are we..
* Logan grabs Chloe's hand *
L: in my point of view we never stopped
Chloe gently smiles
C: what about..
L: what about what ?
C: Bethany..
L: I don't love her
C: but what are you gonna—
L: I'll break up with her
C: for me?
L: yes she's not who I wanted to be with in the first place anyway
C: I just I..I feel like a jerk
L: why?
C: because I brought Tyler along to make you jealous
L: it's ok I'm a jerk too I only dated Bethany to try to get over you but I realized I can't .
C: wow..
L: yea..
C: great minds think alike
Chloe laughs
L: or just really emotionally confused people
C: yea that too
They laugh
L: I missed this
C: me too
L: Did you also miss this ?
Logan kisses Chloe
C: eh not really
L: really?
C: I'm Kidding
She smirks
Chloe grabs Logan and kisses him

Ring ring ring
Chloe pulls away
C: your phone is going off
L: hold on
Logan gets up and walks over to his phone and picks it up

Logan POV: it's Bethany
Do I answer it?

Logan hits deny

Chloe pulls out her phone from her pocket to check the time

Chloe POV: It's 1:20 am

C: it's pretty late I should probably get home..
L: let me drive you
C: ok
Logan grabs his phone and his keys
L: ready?
C: yea
They walk out the door
This is all for today
Thank for reading

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